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Value Types

The following value types are supported:

  • String: quoted by single quote (') characters. Can be used as search property name, category name, model name, and attribute filter value name, etc. For example, text = 'Customer'. If the value may differ by the user's locale, use the value in the English locale always. For example, "Workflow State"='Published'.
  • Number: no need to be quoted. Can be used as profile attribute filter value, custom attribute filter value, data profiling attribute filter value, and last period value etc. For example, Length = 10 AND "Data Profiling".Max = 3.123456E30 AND "AND "Updated Date" = last 10 minutes.
  • Date: no need to but can be quoted. Can be used as profile attribute or custom attribute filter value, and "Updated Date" system attribute filter value etc. Meta Integration supports "yyyy-MM-dd" as the date format. For example, "Updated Date" BETWEEN 2014-10-26 AND TODAY.
  • Datetime: quoted by single quote (') characters. Can be used as profile attribute or custom attribute filter value, and "Updated Date" system attribute filter value etc. Meta Integration supports "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss" as the datetime format. For example, "Final Offer Timestamp" before '2019-07-01 15:00:00'.

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