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Filter Types

The following is a list of supported filter types defined by MQL.

Filter type


Supported operators


Text [WITHIN (search_properties)]

Simple word, quoted phrase or advanced search text. See subsequent section on search text filter. An optional WITHIN search properties clause can be used to specify the search scope.

=, = ... WITHIN (...)
Search properties valid values: 'Name', 'Physical Name', 'Description' or 'Others'

text='+phone +number' WITHIN ('Name', 'Physical Name', 'Description')

Semantic_search_text [WITHIN (search_properties)]

Semantic search phrase. Refer to Meta Integration Search Help. An optional WITHIN search properties clause can be used to specify the search scope.

=, = ... WITHIN (...)
Search properties valid values: 'Name', 'Physical Name', 'Description' or 'Others'

semantic_search_text='customer tables'


Category of the search scope, such as 'Glossary.Term', or 'Database'

=, !=, = ANY (...), != ANY (...)


Profile attribute name

A profile attribute name can be qualified by a profile name to prevent ambiguity.

=, !=, = ANY (...), != ANY (...), = ALL (...), != ALL (...), [NOT] EXISTS, [NOT] STARTS WITH, [NOT] ENDS WITH, [NOT] CONTAINS, <, <=, >, >= and BETWEEN

"Data Type"='int' OR "Data Modeling (Business)"."Data Type"='STRING'

Custom attribute name

Custom attributes of the BLOB data type cannot be used as filter types.

=, !=, = ANY (...), != ANY (...), = ALL (...), != ALL (...), [NOT] EXISTS, [NOT] STARTS WITH, [NOT] ENDS WITH, [NOT] CONTAINS, <, <=, >, >= and BETWEEN

"Custom Attribute Int" = ANY (2000, 2001)

Custom relationship name

Complex custom relationships or simple custom relationships.

=, !=, = ANY (...), != ANY (...),= WHERE (...), != WHERE (...),

"Is Defined By" = WHERE(Category='Glossary.Term' AND Name CONTAINS 'Account')

UDP name


"2PC Option_1092616415"='N' AND "Schema prfx_1092616409" EXISTS

System attribute name

Not all system attributes can be used as filter types.

Depends on the system attribute

id='Customer ID'

Data profiling attribute name

A data profiling attribute is qualified by "Data Profiling".

=, !=, = ANY (...), != ANY (...), [NOT] EXISTS, <, <=, >, >= and BETWEEN etc.

"Data Profiling"."Min Length"=2

Related object type.Property

Property can be profile attribute name, custom attribute name, UDP name or system attribute

Depends on the property

Children."Object Type"='Column'


Currently only ExpandedMembersOfRole and count functions are supported.

Depends on the function

ExpandedMembersOfRole('Workflow Editor')=ANY(ME, 'John'), count('Columns') > 100

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