Working collaboratively on Git projects in Talend Cloud or Talend Administration Center
About this task
Remote Git projects open in local mode in Talend Studio.
When you work on a Git project in local mode and perform a pull or push operation, a dialog box pops up if files have been manually added to the project folder of your Talend Studio, or items are found to have changes not committed to your local Git repository for any reason.
- expand log to view the uncommitted files
- click Commit to commit the files to your local Git repository and continue your current operation
- click Reset to abort your changes and continue your current operation
- click Cancel to cancel your current operation without committing or removing the uncommitted files
Configuring the Git commit mode
You can configure the Git commit mode in Talend Studio.
Committing changes manually to Git
About this task
With the manual Git commit mode enabled, you need to commit changes you have made in Talend Studio in the Talend Git Staging view.
Handling uncommitted items in the Git Staging view
About this task
In the Talend Git Staging view, you can manage your changes based on your needs before committing them to Git.

In the Unstaged Changes
- Right-click an item and select Add to Index from the
contextual menu to move the item to the Staged Changes area
to make the item ready to commit.
Alternatively, you can click
to add the selected items to the Staged Changes area, or click
to add all the unstaged items to the Staged Changes area.
- Right-click an item and select Compare with
Index compare the changes on the item with the staged
If the item has not been previously added to the Staged Changes area, a comparison will be made with the head version.
The compare view opens, where you can compare your changes with the staged version or the head version and handle them in the same way as resolving conflicts. For details, see Resolving conflicts in compare editors.
- Right-click an item and select Replace with
Index from the contextual menu to replace the changes on the
item with the staged version.
A Discard Local Changes dialog box opens. If you click Discard Changes, the item will be removed from the Unstaged Changes area.
- Right-click an item and select Delete, if available, to delete it physically.
Alternatively, you can delete such an item by selecting it and pressing the Delete key.
Items that do not have the Delete option on the contextual menu can be deleted only in the Repository tree view.
- Right-click an item and select Add to Index from the
contextual menu to move the item to the Staged Changes area
to make the item ready to commit.
In the Staged Changes
- Right-click an item and select Compare with
Head Version compare the changes on the item with the head
The compare view opens, where you can compare your changes with the head version and handle them in the same way as resolving conflicts. For details, see Resolving conflicts in compare editors.
- Right-click an item and select Remove from Index from
the contextual menu to move the item back to the Unstaged
Changes area.
Alternatively, you can click
to move the selected items back to the Unstaged Changes area, or click
to move all the staged items back to the Unstaged Changes area.
- Right-click an item and select Compare with
Head Version compare the changes on the item with the head
In either the Unstaged
Changes or Staged Changes
- Right-click an item and select Replace with
Head Version from the contextual menu to replace the changes
on the item with the head version.
A Discard Local Changes dialog box opens. If you click Discard Changes, the item will be removed from the Unstaged Changes or Staged Changes area.
- Right-click an item and select Copy Path to copy the repository tree path of the item to the clipboard.
- Right-click an item and select Replace with
Head Version from the contextual menu to replace the changes
on the item with the head version.
- View and copy the author name and committer name of the item. The email in Talend Management Console is used as the Git author and committer.