Views and their description
Views are built on top of the PDM of Talend Data Quality.
Views on dimensions
TDQ_V_LAST_ANALYSIS: contains the analysis and the report identifiers with the last version number of the analysis dimension (because TDQ_ANALYSIS is a Slowly Changing Dimension, each analysis can have several versions).
TDQ_V_ANALYSIS: view on the last version of the analysis data. This view uses TDQ_V_LAST_ANALYSIS
TDQ_V_LAST_ANALYZED_ELEMENT: contains the analyzed element identifier alongside with the last version number of the analyzed element dimension
TDQ_V_ANALYZED_ELEMENT: view on the last version of the analyzed element. This view uses TDQ_V_LAST_ANALYZED_ELEMENT
TDQ_V_LAST_INDICATOR_DEF: contains the indicator definition identifier alongside with the last version number of the indicator definition dimension
TDQ_V_INDICATOR_DEFINITION: view on the last version of the indicator definition. This view uses TDQ_V_LAST_INDICATOR_DEF
TDQ_V_SIMPLE_INDICS: This view filters the simple statistics indicators. It uses TDQ_V_INDICATOR_DEFINITION
Detailed description of views:
TDQ_V_ANALYSIS, TDQ_V_ANALYZED_ELEMENT and TDQ_V_INDICATOR_DEFINITION have the same attributes (columns) as TDQ_ANALYSIS, TDQ_ANALYZED_ELEMENT and TDQ_INDICATOR_DEFINITION respectively. For further information, see Detailed description of tables
AN_UUID: analysis identifier
REP_UUID: report identifier
LAST_VERSION: last version of the analysis
ELT_UUID: identifier of the analyzed element
LAST_VERSION: last version of the analyzed element
ELT_CTX_GROUP_ID: the context group id of the analyzed element
ELT_CTX_NAME: the context name of the analyzed element
IND_UUID: indicator identifier
LAST_VERSION: last version of the identifier
IND_PK: primary key
IND_UUID: indicator identifier
IND_LABEL: indicator label
IND_CATEGORY: indicator category.
Simple indicators such as count indicators belong to the Simple Statistics category, Count subcategory. Text indicators belong to the Text Statistics category. Mean, Median, Lower quartile, upper quartile, min value, max value belong to the Summary Statistics category. Mode belong to the Advanced Statistics category and Mode subcategory. Frequency table belong to the Advanced Statistics category and Frequencies subcategory.
IND_CATEG_UUID: category identifier
Views on column analysis results
TDQ_V_LAST_ANALYSIS_EXEC: contains the primary key of the last execution of each analysis. This view uses TDQ_V_ALL_RUN_ANALYSIS
TDQ_V_ALL_RUN_ANALYSIS: contains all analysis primary keys with the calendar time
TDQ_V_LAST_RUN_ANALYSIS: contains the primary key of the last execution of each analysis alongside with the time execution information and the foreign keys to calendar and time dimensions
TDQ_V_IND_HISTO: contains all historized values of indicator computations on column analysis alongside all readable information such as labels from all the dimensions
Detailed description of views:
ANALYSIS_PK: foreign keys to the analysis dimension tables
LAST_RUNTIME: count of last version of the analyzed element
ANALYSIS_PK: foreign keys to the analysis dimension table
CAL_PK: foreign keys to the execution date of the analysis
TIME_PK: foreign keys to the execution time of the analysis
AN_RUNTIME: execution date of the analysis
REP_UUID: report identifier
AN_UUID: analysis identifier
REP_LABEL: report name
AN_CREATION_DATE: analysis creation date
AN_AUTHOR: analysis author
AN_DATA_FILTER: analysis data filter
REP_CREATION_DATE: report creation date
REP_AUTHOR: report author
REP_STATUS: report status
ELT_UUID: identifier of analyzed element
ELT_CONNECTION_UUID: connection identifier
ELT_CONNECTION_NAME: connection name
ELT_CATALOG_NAME: catalog name
ELT_SCHEMA_NAME: schema name
ELT_TABLE_NAME: table name
ELT_COLUMN_NAME: column name
IND_UUID: indicator identifier
IND_LABEL: indicator label
IND_CATEG_UUID: identifier of category
IND_CATEGORY: category of identifier
INO_REGEXP: regular expression
CAL_DATE: date
TIME_HOUR: hour (0-23)
TIME_MINUTE: minutes (0-59)
RUN_TIME: execution date of the analysis
INDV_INT_VALUE: integer value of indicator
INDV_ROW_COUNT: total row count when evaluating the indicator
Views on comparison analysis results
TDQ_V_ALL_RUN_MATCH_ANALYSIS: contains all analysis primary keys with the calendar time
TDQ_V_LAST_MATCH_ANALYSIS_EXEC: contains the primary key of the last execution of each comparison analysis. This view uses TDQ_V_ALL_RUN_MATCH_ANALYSIS
TDQ_V_LAST_RUN_MATCH_ANALYSIS: contains the primary key of the last execution of each analysis alongside with the time execution information and the foreign keys to calendar and time dimensions. This view uses TDQ_V_ALL_RUN_MATCH_ANALYSIS and TDQ_V_LAST_MATCH_ANALYSIS_EXEC
Detailed description of views:
ANALYSIS_PK: foreign keys to the analysis dimension table
CAL_PK: foreign keys to the execution date of the analysis
TIME_PK: foreign keys to the execution time of the analysis
AN_RUNTIME: execution date of the analysis
ANALYSIS_PK: foreign keys to the analysis dimension tables
LAST_RUNTIME: count of last version of the analyzed element
Views on overview analysis results
TDQ_V_ALL_RUN_OVERVIEW_ANALY: contains all analysis primary keys with the calendar time
TDQ_V_LAST_OVERVIEW_ANALY_EXEC: contains the primary key of the last execution of each overview analysis. This views uses TDQ_V_ALL_RUN_OVERVIEW_ANALY
TDQ_V_LAST_RUN_OVERVIEW_ANALY: contains the primary key of the last execution of each analysis alongside with the time execution information and the foreign keys to calendar and time dimensions. This view uses TDQ_V_ALL_RUN_OVERVIEW_ANALY and TDQ_V_LAST_OVERVIEW_ANALY_EXEC
Detailed description of views:
ANALYSIS_PK: foreign keys to the analysis dimension table
CAL_PK: foreign keys to the execution date of the analysis
TIME_PK: foreign keys to the execution time of the analysis
AN_RUNTIME: execution date of the analysis
ANALYSIS_PK: foreign keys to the analysis dimension table
Last_RUNTIME: count of last version of the analyzed element