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Using Inner Join
The Inner join is a
particular type of Join that distinguishes itself by the way the rejection is performed.
This option avoids that null values are passed on to the main output flow. It allows
also to pass on the rejected data to a specific table called Inner Join
Reject table.
If the data searched cannot be retrieved through the explicit Join or the filter Join,
in other words, the Inner Join cannot be established for any reason, then the requested
data will be rejected to the Output table defined as Inner Join
Reject table if any.
Simply drop column names from one table to a subordinate one, to create a
Join relationship between the two tables. The Join is
displayed graphically as a purple link and creates automatically a key that will be used
as a hash key to speed up the match search.
Available in:
Big Data
Big Data Platform
Cloud Big Data
Cloud Big Data Platform
Cloud Data Fabric
Data Fabric
Real-Time Big Data Platform
Information noteWarning: For Big Data users only: In a
MapReduce Job, only one expression key is allowed per mapping component. If you need to use
multiple expression keys to join different input tables, use multiple
tMap components one after another.
About this task
To define the type of an explicit Join:
Click the tMap settings button at the top of the table to
which the Join links to display the table properties.
Click in the Value field corresponding to Join
Model and then click the three-dot button that appears to open the
Options dialog box.
In the Options dialog box, double-click the wanted Join type,
or select it and click OK to validate the setting and close
the dialog box.
Information noteNote: An Inner Join table should always be coupled to an
Inner Join Reject table. For how to define an output
table as an Inner Join Reject table, see Lookup Inner Join rejection.
You can also use the filter button to decrease the number of rows to be searched
and improve the performance (in Java).