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Building a Route to a Spring Boot Microservice Docker image (deprecated)


About this task

This feature is not shipped with Talend Studio by default. You need to install it using the Feature Manager. For more information, see Installing features using the Feature Manager.

This build type is deprecated from 8.0 R2024-02.

To build a Route to a Spring-boot based ESB Microservice Docker image, complete the following:


  1. Open the Route in the design work space. In the Deployment view of the Job tab, select Microservice (Spring Boot) in the Build Type list. Save the Route.
    Select the Microservice (Spring Boot) build type.
  2. In the Repository tree view, right-click the Route you want to build, and select Build Route to open the Build Route dialog box.
    Build Route dialog box.
  3. In the Route Version area, select the version you want to build if you have created more than one version of the Route.
  4. In the Build type area, select Microservice Spring Boot as Docker image to build your Route as a Spring Boot Microservice Docker image.
  5. In the options area, select the Enable Prometheus metrics endpoint check box to build the Prometheus metrics endpoint into the Microservice to monitor the execution of Routes, JVM memory, CPU consumption, and so on. By default, this feature bridges all the JMX attributes and values into Prometheus. For more information about Prometheus, see the Prometheus documentation.
  6. Select Local or specify a remote address based on your Docker engine installation.
    Information noteWarning: If you select the Remote option, make sure that Docker deamon is started with a remote port.
  7. Specify your Docker image name, and image tag.
    By default, the image name is derived from the project name and Route name, and the image tag is derived from the version of the Route. You can specify a new name and tag here or customize the default settings globally in Project Settings. For more information, see Customizing Docker images build settings.
    Information noteWarning: Underscore characters are not supported in Docker image names, therefore make sure the Docker image name value does not contain underscore characters.
  8. Click Finish to build your Microservice Docker image.


You Route is build as a Microservice (Spring-boot) for ESB Docker image and ready to run on your Docker engine.

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