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Setting up Jolokia for metrics collection

For engine versions earlier than v2.12.4, set up Jolokia to enable the engine to access the Jolokia endpoint for metrics collection.

For engine version v2.12.4 and newer, skip this section. Talend Remote Engine is pre-configured to access the Jolokia endpoint, so no additional configuration is necessary.

Before you begin

  • You have renamed and saved it in a directory accessible to Talend Remote Engine.


  1. Open <RemoteEngineInstallationDirectory>/etc/org.talend.ipaas.rt.dsrunner.metrics.collector.cfg.
  2. Add the following command lines to configure Jolokia URL and authentication:
    # Jolokia URL for TLS enabled microservices. Must contain string {ms.port}
    # Jolokia configuration for basic authentication
  3. Save the org.talend.ipaas.rt.dsrunner.metrics.collector.cfg file.
  4. If not already done, on the machine running your engine, set the following environment variables:

What to do next

Deploy your custom file.

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