Create a text file named sample.json with the following
"doc": "Sample schema to help you get started.",
"fields": [
"doc": "The int type is a 32-bit signed integer.",
"name": "my_field1",
"type": "int"
"doc": "The double type is a double precision (64-bit) IEEE 754 floating-point number.",
"name": "my_field2",
"type": "int"
"doc": "The string is a unicode character sequence.",
"name": "my_field3",
"type": "string"
"name": "AvroSample",
"namespace": "talend",
"type": "record"
From the repository tree view, right-click Metadata > Hierarchical Mapper > Structure and select New > Folder from the contextual menu.
In the New Folder dialog box, enter
Avro in the Folder name field and
click Finish.
Right-click Metadata > Hierarchical Mapper > Structure and select New > Structure from the contextual menu.
In the New Structure dialog box, select Import a structure definition… > Avro Schema > Local file. Browse to the sample.json file you just
created and import the schema into the Avro folder.
Right-click Metadata > Hierarchical Mapper > Maps and select New > Folder from the contextual menu.
In the New Folder dialog box, enter
Avro in the Name field and click
Right-click Metadata > Hierarchical Mapper > Maps and select New > Map from the contextual menu.
In the New Map dialog box, select Standard
Map and create two Maps inside the Avro folder
using the structure created in the previous steps.
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If you find any issues with this page or its content – a typo, a missing step, or a technical error – please let us know!