Configuring the components
Double-click the cMQConnectionFactory component labeled
AMQ_Send_ConnectionFactory to display
its Basic settings view in the Component tab.
- From the MQ Server list, select an MQ server. In this use case, we use the default ActiveMQ server to handle the messages.
- In the Broker URI field, type in Active MQ's default URI of the localhost server: "tcp://localhost:61616".
Double-click the cConfig component, which
is labeled DatasetConfig, to display its
Basic settings view in the Component tab and set its parameters.
Write a piece of code in the Code field
to register the dataset instance hello
into the registry, as shown below.
org.apache.camel.component.dataset.SimpleDataSet dataset = new org.apache.camel.component.dataset.SimpleDataSet(1); dataset.setDefaultBody("Test Data: hello world!"); org.apache.camel.impl.SimpleRegistry registry = new org.apache.camel.impl.SimpleRegistry(); registry.put("hello",dataset); camelContext.setRegistry(registry);
Double-click the cMessagingEndpoint component, which is labeled SimpleDatasetGen, to display its Basic
settings view in the Component
tab and set its parameters.
- In the URI field, enter dataset:hello between the quotation marks.
Double-click the cJMS
component labeled AMQ_Send to display its Basic settings view.
From the Type list, select queue to send the message to a JMS queue.
In the Destination field, type in a name for the JMS queue, "queue.hello" in this use case.Double-click the [...] button next to ConnectionFactory. Select the MQ connection factory that you have just configured in the dialog box and click OK.
Double-click the cProcessor component
labeled PrintSendMsg to display its
Basic settings view in the Component tab, and customize the code in the
Code area to display the sent message
intercepted on the console.
System.out.println("AMQ Send: "+ exchange.getIn().getBody(String.class));
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