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Specifying Java heap size for a Remote Engine service

When you have installed Talend Remote Engine as a system service, you can adjust the Java heap size (the JVM memory) allocated to it.

The recommended Java heap size is 1 GB.
Information noteTip: If you do not install Talend Remote Engine as service, the default allocated memory is calculated by a JVM instance itself to be one quarter of the available memory. In this case, if you need to adjust the maximum heap size, use the -Xmx option such as -Xmx1024M or -Xmx1G in an environment variable, for example JAVA_OPTS or EXTRA_JAVA_OPTS, or modify <remote_engine_installation>/setenv/setenv.bat.


  1. Stop the engine.
  2. Browse to <remote_engine_installation>/etc and open the talend-remote-engine-wrapper.conf file.
  3. Change the value of the property to 1024.
    Note that the maximum allowed heap size is 4096 MB (about 4 GB). If you set a size larger than this, only 4096 MB is allocated.
    Information noteTip: If you need to work around this limitation, add a parameter with the desired heap size. Replace xx with a unique number to differentiate it from other parameters. For example, use = -Xmx8196m if eleven other parameters already exist.
  4. Start the engine.

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