Troubleshooting for full-text index replication
To ensure full-text index replication is enabled, verify that the following log message is output to mdm.log during the MDM server node startup:
INFO [JmsIndexReplicationManagerFactory] JmsIndexReplicationManagerFactory initialized
To debug the sending and receiving of JMS messages, edit the file <TomcatPath>/webapps/talendmdm/WEB-INF/conf/log4j2.xml and add the following information:
<Logger name="" level="DEBUG">
<AppenderRef ref="FILE"/>
Additionally, make sure that the value of the "Threshold" parameter is at least DEBUG in the appenders.
Each time a replication message is received by a node, this log message is output to mdm.log:
DEBUG [JmsMessageListenerAdaptor] Received a message: [...]
This message may vary according to your ActiveMQ version or system settings.
Each time a replication message is sent by a node, this log message is output to mdm.log:
DEBUG [JmsTopicLuceneWorkBroadcaster] JMS Message sent for index ...
This message may vary according to your ActiveMQ version or system settings.