Use Git to store all your project data, such as Jobs, database connections,
Routines, Joblets, data models, processes, and stored procedures, in the shared Repository
of Talend Studio.
Before you begin
If your GitHub repository is hosted in a Microsoft Azure DevOps project, make sure
the repository name doesn't contain spaces.
This procedure might not be necessary if the Git server you install already provides
Git and you do not need it on your local machine.
If you are using multiple SSH private keys, create a
config file in your .ssh folder
and add the following content in the file to specify which key file is used for
which Git server.
Information noteWarning: This config file takes precedence
over the Eclipse configuration.
Add the connection information to the Talend Administration Center
configuration. For more information, see Setting up Git parameters.
Information noteTip:
When running Talend Administration Center as a service, ensure that the known_hosts file is
located in the right folder. If not, copy the known_hosts
file into the
user.home\.ssh folder (or create a
.ssh folder if it does not already exist).
When running Talend Administration Center as a Windows service, user.home is
similar to: C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile.
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