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The Log4j feature

Talend supports Log4j on all components, which presents a technical logging mechanism. For more information on how to enable it for all components, see Customizing log4j output level at runtime.

After Log4j is enabled, you can set the level of logging need for the Job. Log4j provides these logging levels: Trace, Debug, Info, Warn, Error, and Fatal.
Information noteNote: To use the Log4j feature, you need to enable the feature in the Log4j pane of the Project Settings dialog box in Talend Studio.
To check the data values flowing through your subJob, set Log4jLevel to Trace. The data for all of the rows then displays in the console.
As in the previous examples, if one of the fields has a null value that leads to a null pointer exception, you'll be able to see it in the console log.

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