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Designing the Job in Talend Studio


The first step in creating a Live dataset is to design a Job in a remote project that uses the tDatasetOutput component as output.

Creating a Live dataset from a .zip archive is also possible with a local project.

In order for dataset to be able to communicate with Talend Administration Center, it is recommended to open a project with a remote connection.

The simplest Job design required to create a working Live dataset is the following:

Before you begin

To create a working Live dataset when running Talend Data Preparation with an https connection, complete the following configuration.

  • Retrieve Talend Data Preparation certificate, or its Certificate Authority and add it to an existing or new .jks file following this example: keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias <cert-alias> -file <dp_certificate.crt> -keystore <truststore.jks>
  • Connect a tSetKeystore component to tRowGenerator with an OnSubjobOk link in order for the Job to trust the Talend Data Preparation certificate.

    For more information on how to configure the tSetKeystore, see the Keystore component documentation.


  1. In the design workspace, add an input component, tRowGenerator in this example, and click the Component tab to define its basic settings.
  2. Click the [...] next to RowGenerator Editor to configure a schema for your data and choose the number of rows to be generated.
  3. Add the tDatasetOutput component in the design workspace.
  4. Link the tRowGenerator and tDatasetOutput components together using a Row > Main link.
  5. Click the Component tab of the tDatasetOutput component to define its basic settings.
  6. Click Sync Column to retrieve the schema from the previous component.
  7. Select LiveDataset in the Mode list.

    The Url and Limit fields are automatically filled.

  8. Save your Job.
  9. If you are working on a local project, right-click the name of your Job in the Repository tree view and click Build Job to export your Job as an archive that you will be able to upload in Talend Administration Center.

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