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Map properties

You open the properties panel for a visualization by clicking @Edit in the toolbar and clicking the visualization that you want to edit.

If the properties panel is hidden, click h in the lower right-hand corner to open it.

Information noteIf the visualization has é in the upper right-hand corner, the visualization is linked to a master item. You cannot edit a linked visualization, but you can edit the master item. You can also unlink the visualization to make it editable.
Information noteSome of the settings in the properties panel are only available under certain circumstances, for example, when you use more than one dimension or measure, or when you select an option that makes other options available.


You need an area layer or a point layer to visualize map data.

Do the following:

  1. Click Add layer.
  2. Select a geo field containing area or point data. Geo fields are marked with ,.
  3. Select a field to represent point or area names on the map.


<Layer type> Click the layer name to open the settings. If you want to delete the layer, long-touch/right-click the layer and select Delete in the dialog. Alternatively, click the layer and click DeleteÖ.
Field Shows the name of the field or dimension that is used for the layer.
Include null values By default, selected. A null value is displayed as an x in the map.
Show excluded Select Show excluded to also display the excluded selections in the map. When left unselected, the map will automatically zoom to show only the included areas of the map. Show excluded is only displayed for area layer maps.
Measure (Point map only)
Measure Only displayed for master items. To be able to edit a measure that is linked to a master item, you must first unlink the measure.
Expression Add an expression to the dimension value. You can visualize the differences in value by selecting the option Use size.
Label Enter a label for the expression. If you have used a field from the assets panel, to create an expression, the expression name is automatically displayed.
Include zero values When unselected, measures that have the value ‘0’ are not included in the presentation. If there is more than one measure value, all the measure values must have the value ‘0’ to be excluded from the presentation.
Bubble size Use the slider to set the size of the bubbles.
Range By default, Auto, which means that the range is set by the measure values. When set to Custom, you can set the min value, the max value, or both. The min value cannot be larger than the max value. You can use expressions for the values.
Opacity Use the slider to set the opacity of the point or area layer. The opacity defines how much is blocked; it is equivalent to setting transparency, or how much is visible.
Show Select Show to display the area layer or the point layer. By default, it is selected.
Delete Ö Button for deleting the layer.



Select Show to display the background image. By default, it is on.

Map service By default, Auto, which means that a Mapbox background map is automatically added to a point layer. To use other map providers, click the button to switch to Custom and enter URL and attribution for the map.
Type Select the background image type. Currently, slippy map is the only type available.
URL Enter the URL of the tile server that you want to use. Click the link at the bottom of the section to go to a help page with the available URLs and attributions.
Attribution string Enter the attribution string that corresponds to the URL. Click the link at the bottom of the section to go to a help page with the available URLs and attributions.


Data handling

Calculation condition: Specify an expression in this text field to set a condition that needs to be fulfilled (true) for the object to be displayed. The value may be entered as a calculated formula. For example: count(distinct Team)<3. If the condition is not fulfilled, the message or expression entered in Displayed message is displayed.

A calculation condition is useful when a chart or table is very big and makes the visualization slow to respond. A calculation condition can then help so that for example an object does not show until the user has filtered the data to a more manageable level by applying selections.



Show titles: On by default in all visualizations except filter panes, KPIs, and text & image visualizations.

Enter Title, Subtitle, and Footnote. By default, the string is interpreted as a text string. However, you can also use the text field for an expression, or a combination of text and expression. An equals sign (=), at the beginning of a string shows that it contains an expression.

Click 3 if you want to create an expression by using the expression editor.


Assume that the following string is used, including quotation marks: 'Sales: ' & Sum(Sales).

By default, the string is interpreted as a text string and is displayed as presented in the example. But if you begin the string with an equals sign: (='Sales: ' & Sum(Sales)), the string is interpreted as an expression instead. The output is then Sales: <value of expression>, where <value of expression> is the calculated value.

Show details: Set to Show if you want to allow users to be able to choose to view details, such as descriptions, measures, and dimensions.

Show detailsHide by default. When set to Show, users can click ] when analyzing to view details such as descriptions measures and dimensions.


Navigation: By default, off. When set to Auto, the navigation tool is displayed, with options to pan and zoom.

Auto-zoom on selection: By default, selected. When a selection is confirmed, the map automatically zooms in on the selected area.

Colors and legend


You only need to select Custom if you want to change the settings. The Auto settings are based on the visualization used and the number of dimensions and measures, that is, the settings are not fixed, but are dependent on the data input.

If you want to color using a measure added from the assets panel or an expression to the layer under Data in the properties panel, you must color the map with By measure. Coloring by measure reflects the measure value differences, and is normally what you want to use when adding a measure or an expression.

Single color

A single color (by default blue) is used for all items in the chart. In visualizations that do not benefit from multiple colors (bar charts with one dimension and scatter plots), single color is the default setting. Use the color picker to change the dimension color.

Use library colors: Option available when a master dimension used in the visualization has a color assigned to it. You can select to use the master dimension color or to disable the master dimension color.

By dimension

By default, 12 colors are used for the dimensions. The colors are reused when there are more than 12 dimension values.

Color scheme: Select 12 colors or 100 colors to be used for the different values. The 12 colors can all be distinguished by people with color vision deficiency, but not all of the 100 colors.

By measure

By default, Sequential gradient is selected. The higher the measure value, the darker the color.

Color scheme: You have the following four options:

Sequential gradient: The transition between the different color groups is made using different shades of colors. High measure values have darker hues.

Sequential classes: The transition between the different color groups is made using distinctly different colors.

Diverging gradient: Used when working with data that is ordered from low to high, for instance, to show the relationship between different areas on a map. Low and high values have dark colors, mid-range colors are light.

Diverging classes: Can be seen as two sequential classes combined, with the mid-range shared. The two extremes, high and low, are emphasized with dark colors with contrasting hues, and the mid-range critical values are emphasized with light colors.

Reverse colors: When selected, the color scheme is reversed.

Range: By default, Auto, which means that the range is set by the measure values. When set to Custom, you can set the min value, the max value, or both. The min value cannot be larger than the max value. You can use expressions for the values.

By expression

You can use coloring by expression to accentuate certain values. Supported formats: RGB, ARGB, and HSL.

Expression: Enter the expression that you want to use. Click 3 to open the expression editor.

The expression is a color code: Selected by default. In most cases, it is best to keep this setting. When the selection is cleared, the expression evaluates to a number, which in turn is plotted against one of the chart gradients.

See: Coloring a visualization

When the coloring is by measure or by expression, you can set the color range (Min and Max values). By setting the color range, the colors remain constant throughout selections and paging. When using color by expression, the option The expression is a color code must be cleared before you can set the color range.

Show legend: Not available when Single color is selected. By default set to Auto. The legend is displayed if there is enough space. The placement can be changed in the Legend position setting.

Legend position: Select where to display the legend.

Show legend title: When selected, the legend title is displayed.

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