Formatting text on a slide
On a story slide you can change the format of your texts with the text formatting toolbar. You can change color, size, font style, and text alignment. Additionally, you have options for adding links and bookmarks.
Text formatting toolbar for paragraph text object
Changing the font style
Do the following:
In storytelling view, double-click on the text object you want to format. Or, click on the text object and click @.
The text formatting toolbar appears.
Select the text you want to style.
- Click one or more of J, K and L.
- Click outside the text object or click @.
The font style of the text is changed.
Changing the font size of a paragraph
Do the following:
In storytelling view, double-click the Paragraph text object you want to format. Or, click on the text object and click @.
The text formatting toolbar appears.
Select the text you want to resize.
- Click S next to the font size indicator and select a size: XS, S, M, L or XL.
- Click outside the text object or click @.
The font size of the text is changed.
Changing the font size of a title
Do the following:
In storytelling view, click the Title text object you want to format.
Drag one of the corners to change the font size.
- Click outside the text object or click @.
The font size of the text is changed.
Changing the text alignment of a paragraph
Do the following:
In storytelling view, double-click the Paragraph text object you want to format. Or, click on the text object and click @.
The text formatting toolbar appears.
- Click in the text paragraph you want to align.
- Click M, N or O.
- Click outside the text object or click @.
The text alignment is changed.
Changing the text color
Do the following:
In storytelling view, double-click the text object you want to format. Or, click on the text object and click @.
The text formatting toolbar appears.
Select the text you want to change color on.
Click S next to the color indicator in the toolbar.
A color palette appears.
Click on a color in the palette.
- Click outside the text object or click @.
The color is applied to the text.
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