Concat - script function
Concat() is used to combine string values. The script function returns the aggregated string concatenation of all values of the expression iterated over a number of records as defined by a group by clause.
Return data type: string
The expression or field containing the string to be processed.
Argument | Description |
string |
The expression or field containing the string to be processed. |
delimiter | Each value may be separated by the string found in delimiter. |
sort-weight |
The order of concatenation may be determined by the value of the dimension sort-weight, if present, with the string corresponding to the lowest value appearing first in the concatenation. |
distinct | If the word distinct occurs before the expression, all duplicates are disregarded. |
Examples and results:
Add the example script to your app and run it. To see the result, add the fields listed in the results column to a sheet in your app.
Example | Result | Results once added to a sheet |
TeamData: LOAD * inline [ SalesGroup|Team|Date|Amount East|Gamma|01/05/2013|20000 East|Gamma|02/05/2013|20000 West|Zeta|01/06/2013|19000 East|Alpha|01/07/2013|25000 East|Delta|01/08/2013|14000 West|Epsilon|01/09/2013|17000 West|Eta|01/10/2013|14000 East|Beta|01/11/2013|20000 West|Theta|01/12/2013|23000 ] (delimiter is '|');
Concat1: LOAD SalesGroup,Concat(Team) as TeamConcat1 Resident TeamData Group By SalesGroup; |
SalesGroup East West |
TeamConcat1 AlphaBetaDeltaGammaGamma EpsilonEtaThetaZeta |
Given that the TeamData table is loaded as in the previous example: LOAD SalesGroup,Concat(distinct Team,'-') as TeamConcat2 Resident TeamData Group By SalesGroup; |
SalesGroup East West |
TeamConcat2 Alpha-Beta-Delta-Gamma Epsilon-Eta-Theta-Zeta |
Given that the TeamData table is loaded as in the previous example. Because the argument for sort-weight is added, the results are ordered by the value of the dimension Amount: LOAD SalesGroup,Concat(distinct Team,'-',Amount) as TeamConcat2 Resident TeamData Group By SalesGroup; |
SalesGroup East West |
TeamConcat2 Delta-Beta-Gamma-Alpha Eta-Epsilon-Zeta-Theta |