Avg - script function
Avg() finds the average value of the aggregated data in the expression over a number of records as defined by a group by clause.
Return data type: numeric
Argument | Description |
expr | The expression or field containing the data to be measured. |
DISTINCT | If the word distinct occurs before the expression, all duplicates will be disregarded. |
Examples and results:
Add the example script to your app and run it. To see the result, add the fields listed in the results column to a sheet in your app.
Example | Result |
Temp: crosstable (Month, Sales) load * inline [ Customer|Jan|Feb|Mar||Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec Astrida|46|60|70|13|78|20|45|65|78|12|78|22 Betacab|65|56|22|79|12|56|45|24|32|78|55|15 Canutility|77|68|34|91|24|68|57|36|44|90|67|27 Divadip|36|44|90|67|27|57|68|47|90|80|94 ] (delimiter is '|');
Avg1: LOAD Customer, Avg(Sales) as MyAverageSalesByCustomer Resident Temp Group By Customer;
Customer MyAverageSalesByCustomer Astrida 48.916667 Betacab 44.916667 Canutility 56.916667 Divadip 63.083333 This can be checked in the sheet by creating a table including the measure:Sum(Sales)/12 |
Given that the Temp table is loaded as in the previous example: LOAD Customer,Avg(DISTINCT Sales) as MyAvgSalesDistinct Resident Temp Group By Customer; |
Customer MyAverageSalesByCustomer Astrida 43.1 Betacab 43.909091 Canutility 55.909091 Divadip 61 Only the distinct values are counted. Divide the total by the number of non-duplicate values. |