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The Store statement creates a QVD, Parquet, CSV, or TXT file.


Store [ fieldlist from] table into filename [ format-spec ];

The statement will create an explicitly named QVD, Parquet, or text file.

The statement can only export fields from one data table. If fields from several tables are to be exported, an explicit join must be made previously in the script to create the data table that should be exported.

The text values are exported to the CSV file in UTF-8 format. A delimiter can be specified, see LOAD. The store statement to a CSV file does not support BIFF export.

Information noteIn some cases with data that is not well-formed, fields will be surrounded by double quotes to ensure that the data is interpreted correctly. This can happen, for example, when the field contains characters such as quotes, comma, space or line breaks.


Store command arguments
Argument Description
fieldlist::= ( * | field) { , field } )

A list of the fields to be selected. Using * as field list indicates all fields. 

field::= fieldname [as aliasname ]

fieldname is a text that is identical to a field name in table. (Note that the field name must be enclosed b straight double quotation marks or square brackets if it contains spaces or other non-standard characters.)

aliasname is an alternate name for the field to be used in the resulting QVD or CSV file.

table A script label representing an already loaded table to be used as source for data.

The name of the target file including a valid path to an existing folder data connection.

Example: 'lib://Table Files/target.qvd'

In legacy scripting mode, the following path formats are also supported:

  • absolute

    Example: c:\data\sales.qvd

  • relative to the Qlik Sense app working directory.

    Example: data\sales.qvd

    If the path is omitted, Qlik Sense stores the file in the directory specified by the Directory statement. If there is no Directory statement, Qlik Sense stores the file in the working directory, C:\Users\{user}\Documents\Qlik\Sense\Apps.

format-spec ::=( ( txt | qvd | parquet), compression is codec)

You can set the format specification to either of these file formats. If the format specification is omitted, qvd is assumed.

  • txt for CSV and TXT files.

  • qvd for QVD files.

  • parquet for Parquet files.

If you use parquet, you can also set which compression codec to use with compression is. If you do not specify the compression codec with compression is, snappy is used. The following compression settings are available:

  • uncompressed

  • snappy

  • gzip

  • lz4

  • brotli

  • zstd

  • lz4_hadoop


Store mytable into [lib://DataFiles/myfile.parquet] (parquet, compression is lz4);


Store mytable into xyz.qvd (qvd);

Store * from mytable into 'lib://FolderConnection/myfile.qvd';

Store Name, RegNo from mytable into xyz.qvd;

Store Name as a, RegNo as b from mytable into 'lib://FolderConnection/myfile.qvd';

Store mytable into myfile.txt (txt);

Store mytable into myfile.parquet (parquet);

Store * from mytable into 'lib://FolderConnection/myfile.qvd';

Information noteThe file extension of DataFiles connections is case sensitive. For example: .qvd.

Storing in Parquet files

Parquet is a strongly typed file format, where each field contains a single specific type of data (such as in32, double, timestamp, or text). Qlik Sense stores internal data as a loosely typed dual, where data from difference sources can be mixed into the same fields. As only one part of the dual can be stored in each field in Parquet, it is important to know what each field contains. By default, Qlik Sense uses the field type to determine how the field should be stored. When storing data in Parquet files in a specific format, you must specify what type of data your fields are when loading them. If you try to store data into incompatible fields in a Parquet file, such as numbers in a text field or text in a timestamp field, you will end up with null values.

When loading data you intend to store in Parquet, it is possible to change the default behavior. You can either format it to change your data type or tag it to force specific column types in Parquet.

Formatting data for storage in Parquet

You can use Qlik Sense formatting functions to classify your data. For example, Text(), Num(), Interval(), or Timestamp() can enforce data formats when storing data in Parquet. Qlik Sense can store data into almost 20 data types depending on field attributes and automatic field tags. For more information, see Interpretation functions

Example: Formatting data with Num() and Text()

The following example demonstrates preparing data for storage in Parquet. Num() is applied to the num field. Text() is applied to both text and mixed. In the case of mixed, Text() prevents it from being treated like a number field in Parquet and having the text values changed to null values.

Data: LOAD * INLINE [ num, text, mixed 123.321, abc, 123 456.654, def, xyz 789.987, ghi, 321 ]; Format:
NoConcatenate LOAD num, text, Text(mixed) as mixed RESIDENT Data; STORE Format INTO [lib://DataFiles/Tmp.parquet] (parquet);

Tagging data for storage in Parquet

You tag your data with $parquet tags to force specific column types when storing data in Parquet. Each data type can be enforced by adding the corresponding control tag. For example, to store a field as INT32 in Parquet, tag it with $parquet-int32 in the load script. Depending on the data type, either the string or the numerical representation of the dual data will be stored.

The following Parqeut control tags can be used to tag fields for storing in Parquet files.

Parquet control tags
Control tag Dual Physical type Logical type Converted type
$parquet-boolean Number BOOLEAN NONE NONE
$parquet-int32 Number INT32 NONE NONE
$parquet-int64 Number INT64 NONE NONE
$parquet-float Number FLOAT NONE NONE
$parquet-double Number DOUBLE NONE NONE
$parquet-bytearray String BYTE_ARRAY NONE UTF8
$parquet-bytearrayfix Number FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY NONE DECIMAL
$parquet-decimal Number INT64 DECIMAL DECIMAL
$parquet-date Number INT32 DATE DATE
$parquet-time Number INT64 TIME TIME_MICROS
$parquet-timestamp Number INT64 TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP_MICROS
$parquet-string String BYTE_ARRAY STRING UTF8
$parquet-enum String BYTE_ARRAY ENUM ENUM
$parquet-json String BYTE_ARRAY JSON JSON
$parquet-bson String BYTE_ARRAY BSON BSON

Example: Tagging data for storage in Parquet

In this example, two tags are used to define the data for Parquet. The field num is tagged with $parquet-int32 to define it as a number field that will be set as INT32 in Parquet.

Data: LOAD * INLINE [ num, text, 123.321, abc 456.654, def 789.987, ghi ]; TAG num WITH '$parquet-int32'; STORE Data INTO [lib://DataFiles/Tmp.parquet] (parquet);

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