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The Qlik Sense Repository Service (QRS) manages persistence and synchronization of Qlik Sense apps, licensing, security, and service configuration data. The QRS attaches to a Qlik Sense Repository Database and is needed by all other Qlik Sense services to run and to serve Qlik Sense apps. In addition, the QRS stores the Qlik Sense app structures and the paths to the binary files (that is, the app data stored in the local file system).

The Repositories overview lists all the available repositories. The following table presents the available fields and buttons. By default, only some of the fields are displayed. You can use the column selector (Table) to add fields.

Tip noteYou can adjust the column width by dragging the header border.
Node properties
Property Details
Node The name of the repository node.

One of the following statuses is displayed:

  • Running

    The service is running as per normal.

  • Stopped

    The service has stopped.

  • Disabled

    The service has been disabled.

Tip noteClick Info in the Status column for more detailed information on the status.

Checking the status of Qlik Sense services.

Audit activity log level

Levels: Off or Basic (a limited set of entries)

Audit security log level

Levels: Off or Basic (a limited set of entries)

Service log level Each level from Error to Info includes more information than the previous level.
Application log level

All the application messages for the repository service are saved to this logger.

Each level from Fatal to Debug includes more information than the previous level.
Audit log level

Detailed, user-based messages are saved to this logger, for example, security rules information.

Each level from Fatal to Debug includes more information than the previous level.
License log level

All the license messages are saved to this logger. For example, token usage and user access allocation. Levels: Info or Debug

Qlik Management Console (QMC) log level

All the QMC messages are saved to this logger.

Each level from Fatal to Debug includes more information than the previous level.
Performance log level

All the performance messages for the repository service are saved to this logger.

Each level from Fatal to Debug includes more information than the previous level.
Security log level

All the certificates messages are saved to this logger.

Each level from Fatal to Debug includes more information than the previous level.
Synchronization log level

All the synchronization information in a multi-node environment are saved to this logger.

Each level from Fatal to Debug includes more information than the previous level.
System log level

All the standard repository messages are saved to this logger.

Each level from Fatal to Debug includes more information than the previous level.
User management log level

All the user sync messages are saved to this logger.

Each level from Fatal to Debug includes more information than the previous level.
Tags The tags that are connected to the repository.
ID The ID of the repository.
Created The date and time when the repository was created.
Last modified The date and time when the repository was last modified.
Modified by By whom the repository was modified.
<Custom properties> Custom properties, if any, are listed here.
Arrow down Arrow up

Sort the list ascending or descending. Some columns do not support sorting.

Filter container

Type a string to filter on, or, when available, select a predefined value. All rows that match your filter criteria are displayed. You can filter on multiple columns simultaneously to narrow your search. If a filter is applied to a column, Filter container is displayed.

To remove your criteria, click Actions in the table header bar and select Clear filters and search.

You can combine filtering with searching.

Searching and filtering in the QMC


Options for clearing filter and search, selecting and deselecting all rows, and toggling wrapping.

Information noteThe option Select all rows is applied to the rows that are currently displayed. Any rows that have been filtered out before selecting all rows are disregarded, even if they were selected. The option Deselect all rows is applied to all rows, including those that were filtered out.
Table Column selector: Select which columns to display in the overview. Click Undo to reset to the default columns.

Search – both basic and more advanced searches.

Searching and filtering in the QMC

Dimension - Cyclic

Refresh the page.

Edit Edit the selected repository.
Show more The overview shows a set number of items, by default. To show more items, scroll to the end of the list and click Show more. Searching, sorting, and filtering of items is always done on the full database list of items, not only the items that are displayed.
Tip noteDouble-click an item in the overview to open the resource's edit page. For multiple selections, hold down Ctrl while clicking the items, or drag over the items.

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