External Programs
In the External Programs folder, supporting tasks for external programs can be viewed and managed.
Add Task
To add a task, click on the Add Task icon, , in the upper right corner of the right pane. The following tabs will be created:
Click on each tab label for more information.
View Status
To view the status and the settings of a task, in the right pane, click on the task in the tree view.
Edit Task
To configure a task, click on the Edit Task icon, , or click on the task in the tree view. In the right pane, the following tabs are presented:
Click on each tab label for more information.
Copy Task
To copy a task, click on the Copy this task to clipboard icon, .
Paste Task
Pasting a task into a folder will create a new task. To paste a copied task to a specific folder, click on (highlight) the folder and click on the Paste Task icon, , in the right pane (to the left of the Add Task icon,
Run Task
To start a task, click on the Run this task icon, .
Abort Task
To stop a task, click on the Abort this task icon, .
Delete Task
To entirely remove a task, either click on (highlight) the document, in which the task resides, in the tree view, and click on the Delete this Task icon of that task, , in the right pane, or click on (highlight) the task in the tree view, and right-click on Delete.