Sterr - script function
Sterr() returns the aggregated standard error (stdev/sqrt(n)) for a series of values represented by the expression iterated over a number of records as defined by a group by clause.
Return data type: numeric
Argument | Description |
expr | The expression or field containing the data to be measured. |
distinct | If the word distinct occurs before the expression, all duplicates will be disregarded. |
Text values, NULL values and missing values are disregarded.
Examples and results:
Add the example script to your document and run it. Then add, at least, the fields listed in the results column to a sheet in your document to see the result.
Example | Result |
Table1: crosstable LOAD recno() as ID, * inline [ Observation|Comparison 35|2 40|27 12|38 15|31 21|1 14|19 46|1 10|34 28|3 48|1 16|2 30|3 32|2 48|1 31|2 22|1 12|3 39|29 19|37 25|2 ] (delimiter is '|'); Sterr1: LOAD Type, Sterr(Value) as MySterr Resident Table1 Group By Type; |
In a table with the dimensions Type and MySterr, the results of the Sterr() calculation in the load script are: Type MySterr Comparison 3.2674431 Observation 2.7968733 |