MissingCount - script function
MissingCount() returns the number of missing values aggregated in the expression, as defined by a group by clause.
Return data type: integer
Argument | Description |
expr | The expression or field containing the data to be measured. |
distinct | If the word distinct occurs before the expression, all duplicates are disregarded. |
Examples and results:
Add the example script to your document and run it. Then add, at least, the fields listed in the results column to a sheet in our document to see the result.
Example | Result |
Temp: LOAD * inline [ Customer|Product|OrderNumber|UnitSales|UnitPrice Astrida|AA|1|4|16 Astrida|AA|7|10|15 Astrida|BB|4|9|9 Betacab|CC|6|5|10 Betacab|AA|5|2|20 Betacab|BB||| 25 Canutility|AA|||15 Canutility|CC| ||19 Divadip|CC|2|4|16 Divadip|DD|3|1|25 ] (delimiter is '|'); MissCount1: LOAD Customer,MissingCount(OrderNumber) as MissingOrdersByCustomer Resident Temp Group By Customer;
Load MissingCount(OrderNumber) as TotalMissingCount Resident Temp; |
Customer MissingOrdersByCustomer Astrida 0 Betacab 1 Canutility 2 Divadip 0
The second statement gives: TotalMissingCount 3 in a table with that dimension. |
Given that the Temp table is loaded as in the previous example: LOAD MissingCount(distinct OrderNumber) as TotalMissingCountDistinct Resident Temp; |
TotalMissingCountDistinct 1 Because there is only oneOrderNumber one missing value. |