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QvEventLogConnection.cs reference

QvxField method

Create a new QvxField to insert into a QvxTable. All fields are mandatory.

QvxField (string fieldName, QlikView.Qvx.QvxLibrary.QvxFieldType type, QlikView.Qvx.QvxLibrary.QvxNullRepresentation nullRepresentation, [QlikView.Qvx.QvxLibrary.FieldAttrType attrType= QlikView.Qvx.QvxLibrary.FieldAttrType.UNKNOWN])


Parameters available to be configured
Parameter ID Description
fieldName Name of the field.
type Data type in the field.
nullRepresentation How Null values should be represented.
attrType How field values should be formatted. Default value is FieldAttrType.UNKNOWN.

QvxTable array

Specifies data formatting information for a table.


Properties available to be configured
Property ID Description
Fields Contains the QvxField specified for every table field.
GetRows Returns the GetRowsHandler for this table as defined when the table was created. Effectively, this is the method to call to extract the data rows from the source.
TableName String defining the source of the data (for example, executed SQL statement).

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