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GetUserDocumentFolders Method


GetUserDocumentFolders(Guid, DocumentFolderScope)

Gets all user document folders for the QlikView Server with the specified ID.

GetUserDocumentFolders(Guid, DocumentFolderScope)

Gets all user document folders for the QlikView Server with the specified ID.


      List<DocumentFolder> GetUserDocumentFolders(Guid qvsID, DocumentFolderScope scope)


Type Name Description
System.Guid qvsID

The ID of the QlikView Server for which to retrieve user document folders.

DocumentFolderScope scope

The scope of the user document folders to retrieve.


Type Description

All user document folders with the specified scope for the QlikView Server with the specified ID.


Only user document folders that the caller have access to will be returned.


Requires membership of local group QlikView Management API and the role Document Folder Administrator.


The following code example uses the QMS API to retrieve a registered QlikView Server, all its user document folders and nodes. The GetUserDocumentNodes(Guid, Guid, String) method is called recursively to print sub folders and user documents as a tree structure. If anything goes wrong, it prints an error message.

The service key injection is assumed to be handled behind the scenes. For an example of how to inject the service key, see Samples.

    using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using QMSAPI;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
            // create a QMS API client
            IQMS apiClient = new QMSClient();

            //retrieve a time limited service key
            ServiceKeyClientMessageInspector.ServiceKey = apiClient.GetTimeLimitedServiceKey();

            // get a list of QVS services
            List<ServiceInfo> qvsServices = apiClient.GetServices(ServiceTypes.QlikViewServer);
            if (qvsServices.Count > 0)
                // retrieve all user document folders for the first QVS in the list
                Console.WriteLine("The " + qvsServices[0].Name
                    + " contains has following user document file structure:" + Environment.NewLine);
                List<DocumentFolder> userDocumentsFolders = apiClient.GetUserDocumentFolders(qvsServices[0].ID,
                    DocumentFolderScope.General | DocumentFolderScope.Services);
                // loop through all user document folders
                foreach (DocumentFolder userDocumentFolder in userDocumentsFolders.OrderBy(x => x.General.Path))
                    // print the names of all user document folders,
                    // prefix with [R] for root folder and [M] for mounts
                    string folderPrefix = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userDocumentFolder.General.Path) ? "[R]" : "[M]");
                    string folderName = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userDocumentFolder.General.Path)
                        ? qvsServices[0].Name : userDocumentFolder.General.Path);
                    Console.WriteLine(folderPrefix + " " + folderName);
                    // print all sub nodes of the current user document folder
                    PrintUserDocumentNodes(apiClient, userDocumentFolder, string.Empty, 1);
        catch (Exception ex)
            Console.WriteLine("An exception occurred: " + ex.Message);
        // wait for user to press any key

    static void PrintUserDocumentNodes(IQMS apiClient, DocumentFolder userDocumentFolder,
        string relativePath, int indentationDepth)
        // retrieve all user document nodes of the given folder and under the specified relative path
        List<DocumentNode> userDocumentNodes = apiClient.GetUserDocumentNodes(userDocumentFolder.Services.QVSID,
            userDocumentFolder.ID, relativePath);
        // loop through all current user document nodes
        foreach (DocumentNode userDocumentNode in userDocumentNodes
            .OrderByDescending(x => x.IsSubFolder).ThenBy(x => x.Name))
            // print the names of all user document nodes, indent and
            // prefix with [F] for folders and [D] for documents
            string indentation = new string(' ', indentationDepth * 3);
            string nodePrefix = (userDocumentNode.IsSubFolder ? "[F]" : "[D]");
            Console.WriteLine(indentation + nodePrefix + " " + userDocumentNode.Name);
            // print all sub nodes of the current user document node if it represents a folder
            if (userDocumentNode.IsSubFolder)
                PrintUserDocumentNodes(apiClient, userDocumentFolder,
                    Path.Combine(relativePath, userDocumentNode.Name), indentationDepth + 1);

See Also

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