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InitiateCryptoAlgorithm Method



To be called in the startup phase of the services. Tries to load the existing crypto key from the service certificate. If it is called by the QMS (serviceType = QMS), it creates crypto keys if they are missing. It returns true if keys are in place. It throws an exception if it cannot continue. NOTE: It loads the SecretsKeys from the certificates even though UseWinAuthorization is true; -- that's this way the user can "downgrade" from "use cert auth" to "use win auth" and still be able to decrypt the secrets.


To be called in the startup phase of the services. Tries to load the existing crypto key from the service certificate. If it is called by the QMS (serviceType = QMS), it creates crypto keys if they are missing. It returns true if keys are in place. It throws an exception if it cannot continue. NOTE: It loads the SecretsKeys from the certificates even though UseWinAuthorization is true; -- that's this way the user can "downgrade" from "use cert auth" to "use win auth" and still be able to decrypt the secrets.


      public static bool InitiateCryptoAlgorithm(QTServiceType serviceType)


Type Name Description
QTServiceType serviceType


Type Description

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