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Events summary

Event members
Member Comment
DragDrop Not implemented in the QlikView OCX control.
DragOver Not implemented in the QlikView OCX control.
GotFocus Not implemented in the QlikView OCX control.
LostFocus Not implemented in theQlikView OCX control.
OnContextMenu Occurs when a context menu is invoked by the user right-clicking in the QlikView OCX control.
OnContextMenuCommand Occurs when a context menu command is invoked in the QlikView OCX control.
OnDataChanged Occurs whenever the data or logical state changes in a QlikView document, ie on selections, variable changes, after reload etc.
OnHtmlHelp Occurs when help is requested by pressing F1 or pushing the Help button in a dialog in theQlikView OCX control.
OnMacro Occurs when a macro trigger goes off in a QlikView document running in the QlikView OCX control.
OnMouseOver Occurs once when mouse cursor is placed over OCX control area on screen.
OnQvEvent Occurs as a result of a macro in a QV document executing FireQvEvent or FireQvUserEvent methods
Validate Not implemented in theQlikView OCX control.

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