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Event descriptions


Occurs when a context menu is invoked by the user right-clicking in the QlikView OCX control.

Parameters and properties
ParameterNo Parameter Type Direction Comment
1 ContextObject String in Unique ID of sheet object where context menu was requested.
2 ContextMenu Long in out Reference to context menu.
3 OKToContinue Integer out To be set to true if the built-in context menu is to be shown.

Example of use (VB) :

Rem MenuDef.bas module:
Public Const MF_SEPARATOR = 2048
Public Const MF_STRING = 0
Declare Sub AppendMenu Lib "user32" Alias
"AppendMenuA" _
		(ByVal hMenu _As Long, ByVal uFlags As
Long, _
		ByVal uIDNewItem As Long, ByVal lpNewItem
As String)
Public Const MF_BYCOMMAND = 0
Public Const MF_BYPOSITION = 1024
Declare Sub DeleteMenu Lib "user32" (ByVal hMenu As
Long, _		
		ByVal uPosition As Long, ByVal uFlags As
Declare Function GetMenuItemCount Lib "user32" (ByVal
hMenu As Long) _
		As Integer
Rem Form code:
Rem Module MenuDef.bas as above assumed available
Rem Module QVMenu.bas assumed available
Private Sub QlikOCX1_OnContextMenu(ByVal
ContextObject As String, _
		ByVal ContextMenu As Long, OkToContinue As
	If ContextObject = "LB11" Then
		Rem ** delete default menu command by
command **
		Dim i, j
		j = GetMenuItemCount(ContextMenu) - 1
		For i = 0 To j
			DeleteMenu ContextMenu, 0, MF_BYPOSITION
		AppendMenu ContextMenu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, 0
	End If
	Rem ** add new custom command to menu **
	AppendMenu ContextMenu, MF_STRING, 45000,
"Confirmed Clear"
End Sub

Example of use (VC++) :

void CTestDialog::OnOnContextMenuQlikocxctrl1(LPCTSTR ContextObject, long ContextMenu, short FAR* OkToContinue) { HMENU hMenu = reinterpret_cast<HMENU> (ContextMenu); ::AppendMenu (hMenu, MF_SEPARATOR, 0, NULL); ::AppendMenu (hMenu, MF_STRING, 42, _T ("Confirmed Clear")); }


Occurs when a context menu command is invoked in the QlikView OCX control.

Parameters and properties
ParameterNo Parameter Type Direction Comment
1 ContextObject String in Unique ID of sheet object where context menu was requested.
2 MenuCommand Long in, out Context menu command ID.
3 OKToContinue Integer out To be set to true if Menu- Command is to be executed by QV.

Example of use (VB) :

Rem Form code:
Rem Module QVMenu.bas assumed available (QV constant
Private Sub QlikOCX1_OnContextMenuCommand(ByVal
ContextObject As String,
			MenuCommand As Long, OkToContinue As
	Dim MsgBoxResult
	If MenuCommand = 45000 Then
		MsgBoxResult = MsgBox("Do you really want to
clear?", vbYesNo)
		If MsgBoxResult = vbYes Then
			MenuCommand = ID_POPUP_CLEAR
			OkToContinue = True
			OkToContinue = False
		End If
	End If
End Sub	

Example of use (VC++) :

#include "QVResource.h" //QlikView constant definitions void CTestDialog::OnOnContextMenuCommandQlikocxctrl1(LPCTS TR ContextObject, long FAR* MenuCommand, short FAR* OkToContinue) { if (*MenuCommand == 42) { int r = AfxMessageBox (_T ("Do you really want to clear?"), MB_YESNO); if (r == IDYES) { *MenuCommand = ID_POPUP_CLEAR; } else { *OkToContinue = VARIANT_FALSE; } } }


Occurs whenever the data or logical state changes in a QlikViewdocument, ie on selections, variable changes, after reload etc.

Parameters and properties
ParameterNo Parameter Type Direction Comment
- - - - No parameters.

Example of use (VB) :

Private Sub QlikOCX1_OnMouseOver()
End Sub	


Occurs when help is requested by pressing F1 or pushing the Help button in a dialog in the QlikView OCX control.

Parameters and properties
ParameterNo Parameter Type Direction Comment
1 HelpData Long in Identifies which item help is asked for.
2 HelpCommand Integer in No parameters.
3 OKToContinue Integer out To be set to true if Help is to be executed by QV.

Example of use (VB):

Private Sub QlikOCX1_OnHtmlHelp(ByVal HelpData As
Long, ByVal HelpCommand As Integer, OkToContinue As
	Dim MsgBoxResult
	MsgBoxResult = MsgBox("Do you really want to show
help for item " & HelpData & "?", vbYesNo)
	If MsgBoxResult = vbYes Then
		OkToContinue = True
		OkToContinue = False
	End If
End Sub


Occurs when a macro trigger goes off in a QlikView document running in the QlikView OCX control.

Parameters and properties
ParameterNo Parameter Type Direction Comment
1 MacroName String in Name of macro invoked by trigger in QV document.
2 OKToContinue Integer out To be set to true if VBScript macro in QV document is to be executed.

Example of use (VB):

Private Sub QlikOCX1_OnMacro(ByVal MacroName As
String, OkToCont As Integer)
   Dim MsgBoxResult
   MsgBoxResult = MsgBox("Want to run macro '" &
MacroName & "'?", vbYesNo)
   If MsgBoxResult = vbNo Then
	   OkToCont = False
   End If
End Sub

Example of use (VC++):

void CTestDialog::OnOnMacroQlikocxctrl1(LPCTSTR MacroName, short FAR* OkToContinue) { CString s = _T ("Do you really want to run the '"); s += MacroName; s += _T ("' macro?"); int r = AfxMessageBox (s, MB_YESNO); if (r == IDNO) { *OkToContinue = VARIANT_FALSE; } }


Occurs once when mouse cursor is placed over OCX control area on screen.

Parameters and properties
ParameterNo Parameter Type Direction Comment
- - - - No parameters.

Example of use (VB):

Private Sub QlikOCX1_OnMouseOver()
End Sub			


Occurs as a result of a macro in a QV document executing FireQvEvent or FireQvUserEvent methods.

Parameters and properties
ParameterNo Parameter Type Direction Comment
1 EventCategory String - The EventCategory parameter of the Automation method FireQvEvent or the string '$user' after using the FireQvUserEvent.
2 EventSource String - The EventSource parameter of the Automation methods FireQvEvent or FireQvUser- Event.

Example of use (VB) :

Private Sub QlikOCX1_OnQvEvent()
End Sub
Private Sub QlikOCX1_OnQvEvent(ByVal EventCategory As
String, ByVal EventSource As String)
	MsgBox (EventCategory + " - " + EventSource)
End Sub	

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