Admin settings
Administrators can configure many components from the Admin > Settings page in the Qlik NPrinting web console.
Qlik NPrinting uses server- side settings to derive hostnames. Web Console and NewsStand system URLs must be set to the public address in order to access certain security features. We strongly recommend that you fill out these fields:
- Web Console URL: used to create links in password reset emails and email notifications.
- NewsStand URL: used to create password reset emails.
You can enable or disable the following authentication types:
- Qlik NPrinting authentication
Windows authentication
JWT authentication
See: JWT authentication
You can add or edit SAML configurations. See: Configuring Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) single sign-on (SSO).
You can customize the NewsStand:
- Title: Changes the webpage title that displays on browser tabs. The default is NewsStand.
- Logo: Replaces the NewsStand image link in the top left corner.
- Primary color: Changes the color of plain text. This does not affect menu items or column headers.
- Link color: Changes the color of link text.
- Header color: Changes the background color of the top menu.
You can setup your SMTP server. You must fill out this section if you want to send reports via email. See: Configuring SMTP server.
PixelPerfect security
You can enable or disable PixelPerfect script execution.
PixelPerfect scripts allow privileged access to protected resources, which could result in security issues. You should only enable these scripts if you trust your reports.
Default templates
You can upload default templates for all report types, except QlikEntity.
You can add or edit trusted origins.
Adding a server as a trusted origin
If you are creating On-Demand reports in Qlik Sense or a QlikView Web Server hosted QlikView AccessPoint, you must add these servers as a trusted origin in Qlik NPrinting web console.
For each server path used to access the Qlik NPrinting web console, you must add a trusted origin. For example, if your server can be accessed through a local domain, a shortened host, or fully qualified URLs, a trusted origin must be added for each of those server paths.
How you enter the server paths in the Address field of the trusted origin depends on your security configuration.
Configuration 1: SSL security not setup with Qlik NPrinting web console
A trusted origin is required for each server path used to log onto the Qlik NPrinting web console. For example, if your server is qlikserver1 and has an IP address of, you would add the following trusted origins:
- http://qlikserver1
- http://qlikserver1.domain.local
Configuration 2: SSL security setup with Qlik NPrinting web console and third-party
A trusted origin is required for each server path used to log onto the Qlik NPrinting web console. URLs must use HTTPS. For example, if your server is qlikserver1 and has an IP address of, you would add the following trusted origins:
- https://qlikserver1
- https://qlikserver1.domain.local
Adding a trusted origin
Do the following:
- In Qlik NPrinting, click Admin > Settings.
- Click On-Demand Settings.
- Click Add trusted origin.
- After Name, enter a name for the trusted origin.
- After Description, enter a description for the trusted origin.
After Address, enter the URL for the QlikView Server.
The URL must be the base URL (scheme and host) only. For example, http://qlikserver1 rather than http://qlikserver1/qlikview/index.htm.
- Click Create.
You can decide what happens when reports or variables do not render. You can also choose to receive task notification emails.
Before you can set up task notifications via email, make sure that the NewsStand and Qlik NPrinting web console URL settings are configured. If you do not configure the URLs, links in the notification emails will not work. See: System.
Error handling: reports
By default, if report generation fails, recipients still receive scheduled emails. Instead of the report, users see an error message and instructions to contact an administrator. Administrators can disable this behavior so that emails are not sent when reports fail. Report failure appears as an error in the log files.
If you disable this behavior, emails are still sent if at least one report was created successfully.
For example:
You have 3 users in a single task. The task has 2 reports for each user, which are sent via e-mail.
- User A: report generation successful.
- User B: one report fails to generate.
- User C: all reports fail to generate.
In this case:
- User A receives the email with the two attachments.
- User B receives the email with a single attachment. There will be no mention of the report that failed.
- User C will not receive any email.
Do the following:
- In the main menu, go to Admin > Settings.
- Click the Task button.
- Under Email distribution errors, go to When a publish task cannot generate one or more reports. Choose from the following options:
Recipients will receive successful reports, with a message listing reports that failed
Recipients will receive successful reports, with no error message
Information noteIf all reports fail, recipients will not receive an email.
- Click Update.
Error handling: variables
Administrators can set what happens if variables in an email do not resolve.
Do the following:
- In the main menu, go to Admin > Settings.
- Click the Task button.
- Under Email distribution errors, go to When a publish task cannot resolve a variable tag. Choose from the following options:
- Send the email with the tag as is
- Send the email with the tag removed
- Do not send the email
- Click Update.
Task execution notifications
You can receive notifications if tasks end with success, errors, or warnings. Notifications can be sent to multiple email addresses.
Do the following:
- In the main menu, go to Admin > Settings.
- Click the Task button.
- Under Notifications, you can choose to send emails if tasks end with:
- Errors
- Warnings
- Success
- Under Email configuration, you must add:
- Sender address
- Sender name
- To
You can choose to add a CC or BCC.
Information noteYou can use semicolons to add multiple To, CC, or BCC addresses. - Click Update.
- If you want to receive notification emails for a task, they need to be enabled. Open the task, go to the bottom of Overview, and select Send task notifications.
You can enable or disable server certificate validation. For more information, see Configuring server certificate validation for Qlik Sense connections.
Do the following:
- In the main menu, go to Admin > Settings.
- Click the Task button.
Under Security, click the Apply Qlik Sense server certificate validation checkbox.
- Click Update.
Qlik NPrinting web console Task settings page