Create an Articles Custom Model
To create articles you must create a custom model for them to be contained in. You may create any number of these models to contain various collections of articles. You create a custom model just as you would a glossary by creating a model in a folder in the repository and including it in configurations.
- Sign in as a user with at least the Metadata Managementcapability object role assignment on the Configuration you are in.
- Go to MANAGE > Configuration in the banner.
- Click the
Add under Manage Configuration and select the model type you wish to instantiate. In this case it is Articles.
- Enter a Name and Description for the instantiated custom articles model and click OK.
Information note
There is a Workflow tab available for custom models. Please refer to the specific examples for glossaries (a type of custom model) for full details on how to set up and use workflow with a custom model.
Sign is as Administrator and go to MANAGE > Configuration. Click the click Add (plus sign) under Manage Configuration and select Articles.

Give it a NAME of “Finance Data Governance” and click OK.