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SAP PowerDesigner XSM 10.x to 15.x - Export

Availability-note AWS

Bridge Requirements

This bridge:
  • is only supported on Microsoft Windows.

Bridge Specifications

Vendor SAP
Tool Name PowerDesigner XSM (XML Schema Modeling)
Tool Version 10.x to 15.x
Tool Web Site
Supported Methodology [XML Modeling] Data Store (Physical Data Model) via XML XSD File

Tool: SAP / PowerDesigner XSM (XML Schema Modeling) version 10.x to 15.x via XML XSD File
Metadata: [XML Modeling] Data Store (Physical Data Model)
Component: W3cXmlXsdExport.SybasePowerDesignerXsm version 11.2.0




Refer to the current general known limitations at MIMB Known Limitations or bundled in Documentation/ReadMe/MIMBKnownLimitations.html

Provide a troubleshooting package with debug log. Debug log can be set in the UI or in conf/ with MIR_LOG_LEVEL=6

Bridge Parameters

Parameter Name Description Type Values Default Scope
File The bridge generates an XML Schema file. FILE *.xsd   Mandatory
Methodology Specify the XSD generation methodology.

Generates a 'hierarchical' XML Schema based on object modeling concepts (UML) or logical data modeling concepts (ER) such as Classes, Entities, Attributes, Identifiers, Generalizations, Relationships in the source model.

Generates a 'flat' XML Schema based on physical data modeling (RDB) concepts such as Tables and views, Columns, Indexes, Keys in the source model.
Target Namespace Specify the XML target namespace for the generated schema (value not required), e.g.

Root Element Some tools require a root Element for the XML Schema.

Specify the name of the root element to generate (if needed).

If empty, no such root element is generated.
Print attributes as Specifies how to print the attributes / columns.

'XML Schema attributes'
Attributes are printed as XML attributes.

'XML Schema elements'
Attributes are printed as XML child elements.
XML Schema attributes
XML Schema elements
XML Schema attributes  
Print primary/alternate keys as Specifies how to print candidate (primary/alternate) keys.

'local definitions'
Keys are nested inside their parent element.

'global definitions'
Keys are printed in the root element, if a root element is specified.

If no root element is specified, they will be printed as 'local definitions'.
local definitions
global definitions
local definitions  
Print foreign keys as Specifies how to print Foreign keys.

'local definitions'
Keys are nested inside their parent element.

'global definitions'
Keys are printed in the root element, if a root element is specified.

If no root element is specified, they will be printed as 'local definitions'.
local definitions
global definitions
local definitions  
Print indices as (Physical Only) Specifies how to print indices.

'local definitions'
Indices are nested inside their parent element.

'global definitions'
Indices are printed in the root element, if a root element is specified. If no root element is specified, they will be printed as 'local definitions'.

This option only applies when 'Methodology' is set to 'Physical'
local definitions
global definitions
local definitions  
Print Database Schema prefix (Physical Only) Specify 'True' if you would like to use a database schema prefix to generate the XML elements name.

In such case the XML element will look like, e.g.
<element name="DBSCHEMA.TABLE"..../>

This option is most useful if the source model defines multiple database schemas (table owner).
This option only applies when 'Methodology' is set to 'Physical'
BOOLEAN   True  
Database Extensions (Physical Only) Specify if some database specific extensions should be printed.

Generates a generic schema.

'Oracle XDB'
Generates a schema with Oracle XDB extensions.

'Microsoft SQL Server'
Generates a schema with Microsoft SQL Server extensions.

This option only applies when 'Methodology' is set to 'Physical'
Oracle XDB
Microsoft SQL Server
Target Tool (Physical Only) Tool target of the data model to generate.

Generates a generic schema (default).

'Altova XML Spy 2005'
Generates a schema for Altova XML Spy 2005.

When selecting 'Altova XML Spy 2005' for the purpose of DDL generation in XML Spy, the following options have to be set:

'Root Element'
Must be empty

'Print primary/alternate keys as'
local definitions

'Print foreign keys as'
local definitions

'Print generalizations'
Key and Keyref

'Print aggregation relationships as'
nested Element and as Key and Keyref

'Print aggregation relationships as'
nested Element and as Key and Keyref

'Microsoft SQL Server 2005'
Generates a schema for Microsoft SQL Server 2005. The following tags are not allowed - key, keyref, unique.
Altova XML Spy 2005
Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Print generalizations as (Logical Only) Specify how to print generalizations.

'ComplexType Extension'
The schema uses ComplexType Extensions (default).

'Key and Keyref'
The schema uses key and keyref, if available in the model. If keys are not available in the model to represent the generalization, ComplexType Extensions are used instead.

This option only applies when 'Methodology' is set to 'Logical'
ComplexType Extension
Key and Keyref
ComplexType Extension  
Print aggregation relationships as (Logical Only) Specify how to print aggregation relationships.

'nested Element'
The schema uses nested elements to represent the relationships (default).

'Key and Keyref'
The schema uses key and keyref (if available in the model).

'nested Element and as Key and Keyref'
The schema uses key and keyref, if available in the model, as well as nested elements to represent the relationships. If keys are not available in the model to represent the aggregation, a nested element will be used instead.

This option only applies when 'Methodology' is set to 'Logical'
nested Element
Key and Keyref
nested Element and as Key and Keyref
nested Element  
Print non aggregation relationships as (Logical Only) Specify how to print non aggregation relationships.

'nested Element'
The schema uses nested elements to represent the relationships (default).

'Key, Keyref'
The schema uses key and keyref (if available in the model).

'nested Element and Key, Keyref'
The schema uses key and keyref, if available in the model, as well as nested elements to represent the relationships. If keys are not available in the model to represent the relationship, a nested element will be used instead.
nested Element
Key, Keyref
nested Element and Key, Keyref
nested Element  
XML Indentation (pretty printing) Controls the pretty printing of XML, for the purpose of opening the generated file in a text editor. E.g.

'space characters'
Several space characters as indentation.

'tab key'
Tab character as indentation.

No indentation which leads to a more compact file.


Bridge Mapping

Meta Integration Repository (MIR)
(based on the OMG CWM standard)
"SAP PowerDesigner XSM 10.x to 15.x"
Mapping Comments
AliasType simpleType  
Comment annotation, documentation  
PhysicalName name  
Association appInfo  
AssociationRole appInfo No equivalent in XML Schema specification, only exported for extensions specific to Microsoft SQLServer representing the foreign keys relationship. The attributes of sql:relationship represent the parent table, the child table, the primary key attributes and the foreign key attributes.
Attribute Attribute, Element  
Comment annotation, documentation  
InitialValue default  
Optional Element nillable=true/false Attribute use=required  
PhysicalName name  
Position   Order as it appears in the XML Schema
BaseType Datatype  
Comment annotation, documentation  
CandidateKey Key  
Comment annotation, documentation  
PhysicalName name  
UniqueKey   Only unique keys are exported
Class Element, ComplexType  
Comment annotation, documentation  
PhysicalName name  
DatabaseSchema   No equivalent in XML Schema, attribute extension specific to Oracle
PhysicalName element name prefix  
DerivedType SimpleType  
Comment annotation, documentation  
DataType Datatype See datatype conversion array
Length length, totalDigits, maxLength, minLength  
LowerBound minExclusive, minInclusive  
PhysicalName name  
Scale fractionDigits  
UpperBound maxExclusive, maxInclusive  
ForeignKey Keyref  
Comment annotation, documentation  
PhysicalName name  
IndexMember Field  
PhysicalName name  
SQLViewAttribute Attribute, Element An option is available to choose if features should be exported as an XML element or as an XML attribute
Comment annotation, documentation  
PhysicalName name  
Position   Order as it appears in the XML Schema
SQLViewEntity Element  
Comment annotation, documentation  
PhysicalName name  
StoreModel Schema  
Comment annotation, documentation  
TypeValue Enumeration  
Comment annotation, documentation  
Position   Order as it appears in the XML Schema
Value value  

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