OMG UML 1.x XMI 1.x - Export
Bridge Requirements
This bridge:is only supported on Microsoft Windows.
Bridge Specifications
Vendor | Object Management Group |
Tool Name | Unified Modeling Language (UML) XMI |
Tool Version | 1.x |
Tool Web Site | |
Supported Methodology | [Object Modeling] Data Store (Object Model UML Class Diagrams) via UML XMI File |
Tool: Object Management Group / Unified Modeling Language (UML) XMI version 1.x via UML XMI File
Metadata: [Object Modeling] Data Store (Object Model UML Class Diagrams)
Component: OmgUmlXmi version 11.2.0
This bridge generates an Object Management Group (OMG) Unified Modeling Language (UML) Class Diagram XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) file with objects, attributes, inheritance, types, relationships. The actual standard specifications provided by the OMG (Object Management Group) are often extended for proprietary reasons by the target tool vendor, and in many cases the metadata written to the XMI file is then not consumed by the target tool. A high-level description of the metadata coverage is provide in the LIMITATIONS.
Refer to the current general known limitations at MIMB Known Limitations or bundled in Documentation/ReadMe/MIMBKnownLimitations.html
Provide a troubleshooting package with debug log. Debug log can be set in the UI or in conf/ with MIR_LOG_LEVEL=6
Bridge Parameters
Parameter Name | Description | Type | Values | Default | Scope | |||||||||||
File | Generates an XML file compliant to the Object Management Group (OMG) Unified Modeling Language (UML) XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) file format. | FILE |
Mandatory | ||||||||||||
Target Tool/Standard | Each tool expects a slightly different variant of the XMI format. This option allows you to specify which variant this bridge should generate. This is the only option you need to set, all the others will be adjusted as appropriate. If one of the other options is not set to 'Default' it will override the settings for this tool. 'OMG XMI 1.0 for UML 1.1' Generates an OMG XMI 1.0 for UML 1.1 compliant file. 'OMG XMI 1.0 for UML 1.3' Generates an OMG XMI 1.0 for UML 1.3 compliant file. 'OMG XMI 1.1 for UML 1.3' Generates an OMG XMI 1.1 for UML 1.3 compliant file. 'Argo/UML 0.7' Generate the XMI file for use with Argo/UML version 0.7.0 or older. 'Argo/UML 0.8' Generate the XMI file for use with Argo/UML version 0.7.1 or more recent. 'XMI Toolkit' Generate the XMI file for use with IBM's XMI Toolkit. 'XMI Interchange' Generate the XMI file for use with Unisys's Rose XMI Interchange. 'Rose UML' Generate the XMI file for use with Unisys's Rose UML. 'Sybase PowerDesigner' Generate the XMI file for use with Sybase PowerDesigner. 'Sparks Enterprise Architect' Generate the XMI file for use with Sparks EA. |
OMG XMI 1.0 for UML 1.3 | ||||||||||||
Diagram Interchange Tags | Diagram and graphical layout metadata should be printed in XMI, according to the OMG Diagram Interchange specification. To export diagramming metadata: - Specify the 'Target Tool/Standard' parameter as either 'Borland Together' or 'OMG XMI 1.1 for UML 1.3' - Set this parameter to 'True'. |
Default | ||||||||||||
XMI Version | XMI tool version support. 'XMI 1.0 OMG XMI 1.0 'XMI 1.1' OMG XMI 1.1 |
Default | ||||||||||||
UML 1.3 Support | UML 1.3 defines standard stereotypes and tagged values that can be used to store extra information. Specify whether this bridge should take advantage of this. 'Default' Automatically use the appropriate default for the selected tool. 'Enabled' Use both UML 1.3's standard stereotypes and tagged values (OMG XMI 1.0 for UML 1.3, Argo/UML 0.7, Argo/UML 0.8, XMI Toolkit, XMI Interchange, Rose UML, Sybase PowerDesigner). 'Partial' Only use UML 1.3's standard tagged values. 'Disabled' Don't use UML 1.3's standard extensions (OMG XMI 1.0 for UML 1.1). |
Default | ||||||||||||
Short Tags | Generate the short form of XMI tags, expected by some tools, or the long form mandated by the XMI standard. Only for tools supporting XMI 1.0 and is disabled if you selected XMI 1.1 support. 'Default' Automatically use the appropriate default for the selected tool. 'True' Use short tags (Argo/UML 0.7). 'False' Use long tags. |
Default | ||||||||||||
Reference Tags | Declaration of links between objects varies by tool. Some use the tag for the destination object while others use the 'XMI.reference' tags. 'Default' Automatically use the appropriate default for the selected tool. 'True' Use the 'XMI.reference' tag (Argo/UML 0.7). 'False' Use the destination object's regular tag. |
Default | ||||||||||||
Reverse Tags | Specifies whether reverse links should be explicit, i.e. whether each time we declare a link from 'A' to 'B' we should also declare a link from 'B' to 'A'. 'Default' Automatically use the appropriate default for the selected tool. 'True' Explicitly write both association directions (XMI Toolkit). 'False' Only declare one direction of the link. |
Default | ||||||||||||
Mandatory Tags | Some tools do not generate all the tags specified as mandatory by the XMI standard. This option allows you to specify whether this bridge should only generate the tags it needs or whether it should also generate all the mandatory tags with their default value. 'Default' Automatically use the appropriate default for the selected tool. 'True' Generate all tags, this is the default if the target tool is. 'False' Generate only the necessary tags (XMI Toolkit). |
Default | ||||||||||||
UUIDs | Determines whether to export the object's 'Universally Unique ID' when known. Note that the UUIDs of the source model may not be compatible with the target tool. 'True' Export the UUIDs. 'False' Don't export the necessary tags. |
BOOLEAN | False | |||||||||||||
ID on TaggedValue | Determines whether to generate an for TaggedValues. Some tools won't read the TaggedValue if they have an ID. Some others won't read them if they don't have an ID. 'Default' - Automatically use the appropriate default for the selected tool. 'True' Generates an 'False' Don't generate an, this is the default if the target tool is (XMI Toolkit or XMI Interchange). |
Default | ||||||||||||
Print attributes as | ENUMERATED |
Default | |||||||||||||
XML Indentation (pretty printing) | Controls the pretty printing of XML, for the purpose of opening the generated file in a text editor. E.g. 'space characters' Several space characters as indentation. 'tab key' Tab character as indentation. 'empty' No indentation which leads to a more compact file. |
STRING | ||||||||||||||
Print DTD reference | By default this bridge include a DTD reference in the XML file. | BOOLEAN | True |
Bridge Mapping
Meta Integration Repository (MIR) Metamodel (based on the OMG CWM standard) |
"OMG UML 1.x XMI 1.x" Metamodel OmgUmlXmi |
Mapping Comments |
AliasType | Foundation.Data_Types.Primitive / DataType | |
Description | Foundation.Core.ModelElement.taggedValue / taggedValue | The description is put in a tagged value called 'documentation' |
Name | / name | |
Argument | Foundation.Core.Parameter / Parameter | |
DefaultValue | Foundation.Core.Parameter.defaultValue / defaultValue | |
Description | Foundation.Core.ModelElement.taggedValue / taggedValue | The description is put in a tagged value called 'documentation' |
Kind | Foundation.Core.Parameter.kind / kind | |
Name | / name | |
Position | Order in the XMI file | |
Stereotype | Foundation.Extension_Mechanisms.Stereotype | |
Association | Foundation.Core.Association / Association | |
Aggregation | The aggregation property of the source AssociationRole is set to true | |
Description | Foundation.Core.ModelElement.taggedValue / taggedValue | The description is put in a tagged value called 'documentation' |
ExtraConstraint | Foundation.Core.Constraint / Constraint | |
Name | / name | |
Stereotype | Foundation.Extension_Mechanisms.Stereotype | |
AssociationRole | Foundation.Core.AssociationEnd / AssociationEnd | |
CppContainment | Foundation.Core.AssociationEnd.aggregation / aggregation | Only mapped for the source Association Role of aggregation Associations. Otherwise the default value is used |
CppScope | Foundation.Core.ModelElement.visibility / visibility | |
Description | Foundation.Core.ModelElement.taggedValue / taggedValue | The description is put in a tagged value called 'documentation' |
ExtraConstraint | Foundation.Core.Constraint / Constraint | |
Multiplicity | Foundation.Core.AssociationEnd.multiplicity / multiplicity | |
Name | / name | |
Navigable | Foundation.Core.AssociationEnd.isNavigable / isNavigable | |
Ordered | Foundation.Core.AssociationEnd.ordering / Foundation.Core.AssociationEnd.isOrdered / isOrdered | |
Source | Based on the multiplicity of each role | |
Stereotype | Foundation.Extension_Mechanisms.Stereotype | |
Attribute | Foundation.Core.Attribute / Attribute | |
CppDerived | Foundation.Core.ModelElement.taggedValue / taggedValue | Tagged values called 'derived' in XMI Toolkit only |
CppScope | Foundation.Core.ModelElement.visibility / visibility | |
CppStatic | Foundation.Core.Feature.ownerScope / ownerScope | |
Description | Foundation.Core.ModelElement.taggedValue / taggedValue | The description is put in a tagged value called 'documentation' |
InitialValue | Foundation.Core.Attribute.initialValue / initialValue | |
Name | / name | |
Position | Order in the XMI file | |
Stereotype | Foundation.Extension_Mechanisms.Stereotype | |
BaseType | Foundation.Data_Types.Primitive / DataType | |
Name | / name | |
Class | Foundation.Core.Class or Foundation.Core.Interface / Class or Interface | The 'Interface' tag is used if 'cppClassType' is set to 'InterfaceClass' |
CppAbstract | Foundation.Core.GeneralizableElement.isAbstract / isAbstract | |
CppClassType | See the mapping for Class and stereotype | |
CppConcurrency | Foundation.Core.Class.isActive / isActive | Set to true if cppConcurrency is 'ACTIVE' |
CppPersistent | Foundation.Core.ModelElement.taggedValue / taggedValue | cppPersistent is saved in a tagged value called 'persistence' as defined in UML 1.3 |
CppScope | Foundation.Core.ModelElement.visibility / visibility | The value 'Implementation' is mapped to 'Private'. |
Description | Foundation.Core.ModelElement.taggedValue / taggedValue | The description is put in a tagged value called 'documentation' |
Name | / name | |
Stereotype | Foundation.Extension_Mechanisms.Stereotype | The Stereotype is set to 'metaclass' or 'utility' as defined in UML 1.3 if 'cppClassType' is 'MetaClass' or one of the 'Utility' variants |
Dependency | Foundation.Core.Dependency / Dependency | Dependencies to or from anything but Classes (e.g. Packages) are not supported. Links between Dependencies and such objects will be ignored and the Dependency deleted if it is invalid as a result |
Description | Foundation.Core.ModelElement.taggedValue / taggedValue | The description is put in a tagged value called 'documentation' |
Name | / name | |
Stereotype | Foundation.Extension_Mechanisms.Stereotype | |
DerivedType | Foundation.Data_Types.Primitive or Foundation.Data_Types.Enumeration or Foundation.Core.DataType / DataType | The hierarchy of type is not reproduced. In Argo/UML mode the same tag is always used. Otherwise the 'Primitive' tag is used if the type has no type values |
Name | / name | |
DesignPackage | Foundation.Core.Package / Model | In Argo/UML mode all packages are saved using model tags. In XMI Toolkit mode the default package is omitted and its model elements are saved directly underneath the model |
Description | Foundation.Core.ModelElement.taggedValue / taggedValue | The description is put in a tagged value called 'documentation' |
Name | / name | |
Stereotype | Foundation.Extension_Mechanisms.Stereotype | |
Generalization | Foundation.Core.Generalization / Generalization | Generalizations with multiple supertypes or subtypes are duplicated until they have exactly one supertype and subtype each |
CppScope | Foundation.Core.ModelElement.visibility / visibility | The cppScope property is set to 'implementation' if the Generalization has the standard UML 1.3 'implementation' stereotype |
Description | Foundation.Core.ModelElement.taggedValue / taggedValue | The description is put in a tagged value called 'documentation' |
Name | / name | |
Stereotype | Foundation.Extension_Mechanisms.Stereotype | If cppScope is set to 'implementation' then the Stereotype is set to 'implementation' as defined in UML 1.3 |
GeneralizationRole | Foundation.Core.Generalization / Generalization | |
Operation | Foundation.Core.Operation / Operation | |
CppAbstract | Foundation.Core.Operation.isAbstract | XMI 1.1 only |
CppConcurrency | Foundation.Core.Operation.concurrency / concurrency | |
CppScope | Foundation.Core.ModelElement.visibility / visibility | |
CppStatic | Foundation.Core.Feature.ownerScope / ownerScope | |
CppVirtual | Foundation.Core.Operation.isPolymorphic / isPolymorphic | XMI 1.0 only |
Description | Foundation.Core.ModelElement.taggedValue / taggedValue | The description is put in a tagged value called 'documentation' |
Name | / name | |
Postcondition | Foundation.Core.Constraint / Constraint | Constraint with the Stereotype 'postcondition' as defined in UML 1.3 |
Precondition | Foundation.Core.Constraint / Constraint | Constraint with the Stereotype 'precondition' as defined in UML 1.3 |
Semantics | Foundation.Core.ModelElement.taggedValue / taggedValue | Tagged value called 'semantics' as defined in UML 1.3 |
Stereotype | Foundation.Extension_Mechanisms.Stereotype | |
Realization | Foundation.Core.Dependency | This is implementated as a simple link between classes in XMI 1.0 and as a Dependency with the Stereotype 'realization' in XMI 1.1 as defined in UML 1.3 |
Description | Foundation.Core.ModelElement.taggedValue / taggedValue | The description is put in a tagged value called 'documentation' |
Stereotype | Foundation.Extension_Mechanisms.Stereotype | |
StoreModel | Model_Management.Model / Model | |
Description | Foundation.Core.ModelElement.taggedValue / taggedValue | Tagged values called 'documentation' are put in the description |
Name | / name | |
TypeValue | Foundation.Core.Attribute or Foundation.Data_Types.EnumerationLiteral / Attribute | |
Description | Foundation.Core.ModelElement.taggedValue / taggedValue | The description is put in a tagged value called 'documentation' |
Value | / name |