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IDERA ER/Studio Data Architect - Export

Availability-note AWS

Bridge Requirements

This bridge:
  • is only supported on Microsoft Windows.

Bridge Specifications

Vendor IDERA
Tool Name ER/Studio Data Architect
Tool Version 7.0 to 19.x
Tool Web Site
Supported Methodology [Data Modeling] Multi-Model, Data Store (Physical Data Model, Logical Data Model, Stored Procedure Expression Parsing), Graphical Layout via DM1 File

Tool: IDERA / ER/Studio Data Architect version 7.0 to 19.x via DM1 File
Metadata: [Data Modeling] Multi-Model, Data Store (Physical Data Model, Logical Data Model, Stored Procedure Expression Parsing), Graphical Layout
Component: EmbarcaderoErStudioDM1 version 11.2.0

This bridge generates an IDERA ER/Studio DM1 file.



When importing from a multi model source technology (e.g. a database server with multiple databases or schemas), only one model (e.g. schema) is exported. Therefore, limit the import scope to a single model (e.g. subset one schema of a database).

Refer to the current general known limitations at MIMB Known Limitations or bundled in Documentation/ReadMe/MIMBKnownLimitations.html

Provide a troubleshooting package with debug log. Debug log can be set in the UI or in conf/ with MIR_LOG_LEVEL=6

Bridge Parameters

Parameter Name Description Type Values Default Scope
File Specify here the Embarcadero ER/Studio DM1 file to export. FILE *.dm1   Mandatory
Version Select here the version of ER/Studio you want to use. ENUMERATED
Create dimensional model Enables the dimensional modeling features of ER/Studio for this model and exports the tables dimensional type properties. BOOLEAN   False  
Encoding Specifies the character set encoding of the DM1 file to generate. ENUMERATED
Japanese (shift_jis)
Korean (ks_c_5601-1987)
Western European (Windows-1252)
Summary lineage Controls how ETL summary mappings are exported to ER/Studio.
ETL mapping metadata is generally imported and summarized at the level of OMG CWM Activities (Informatica Workflow, DataStage Container).
Such ETL Activity summary indicates which source tables and columns are related to which target tables and columns, whenever summarization is possible.
ETL Activity summary is represented in ER/Studio as a DataFlow, and it may contain a large number of source and target table components.

'Activity driven'
The Activity is represented with only one ER/Studio Transformation, with many source and target tables.

'Target table driven'
The Activity is decomposed into many ER/Studio Transformations, one for each target table.

'Source table driven'
The Activity is decomposed into many ER/Studio Transformations, one for each source table.

'Target column driven'
The Activity is decomposed into many ER/Studio Transformations, one for each target column.

'Source column driven'
The Activity is decomposed into many ER/Studio Transformations, one for each source column.

No DataFlow or Transformation is created, only source and target models and tables are created.
Activity driven
Target table driven
Source table driven
Target column driven
Source column driven
Target table driven  
Convert Foreign Key Indexes Specifies whether the Foreign Key Indexes are converted to ER/Studio.

Foreign Key Indexes are not converted to ER/Studio.

Foreign Key Indexes are converted to ER/Studio.
BOOLEAN   False  
Connection Allows selecting a connection by name, if the source model contains multiple database connections.
If the source model contains multiple connections and this parameter value is left empty, the connection with the most objects is selected.


Bridge Mapping

Meta Integration Repository (MIR)
(based on the OMG CWM standard)
"IDERA ER/Studio Data Architect"
Mapping Comments
Association Relationship/Foreign Key  
Aggregation Relationship Type Non Specific for Many to Many Identifying for aggregation = true Non-Identifying for aggregation = false
Description Definition  
DesignLevel Logical Only, Physical Only  
Name Business Name  
AssociationRole Relationship/Foreign Key  
ExtraConstraint Trigger Parent Action, Trigger Child Action  
Multiplicity Cardinality, Existence  
Name Verb Phrase, Inverse Verb Phrase  
OnDelete Trigger Parent Action, Trigger Child Action  
OnInsert Trigger Parent Action, Trigger Child Action  
OnUpdate Trigger Parent Action, Trigger Child Action  
Source   Parent Entity / Child Entity information
AssociationRoleNameMap ForeignKeyColumn  
Attribute Attribute/Column  
Comment Column Definition  
Description Attribute Definition  
DesignLevel Logical Only, Physical Only  
InitialValue Declared Default, Default  
Name Attribute Name, Logical Rolename  
Optional Allow Nulls  
PhysicalName Column Name, Physical Rolename  
Position Sequence  
BaseType Attribute Datatype  
DataType Datatype  
BusinessRule Defaults, Rules, Reference Values  
Description Definition  
LowerBound Range minimum  
Name Name  
UpperBound Range maximum  
Value Rule Value, Default Value  
CandidateKey Key / Index  
DesignLevel Logical only, Physical only  
Name Name  
PhysicalName Name  
UniqueKey Unique  
Class Entity/Table  
Comment Table Definition  
Description Entity Definition  
DesignLevel Logical only, Physical only  
DimensionalRole Dimensional model Table Type  
DimensionalType Dimension Table Type  
Name Entity Name  
PhysicalName Table Name  
ClassDiagram Submodel  
Description Definition Exported as Definition since version 8.0, as Attachment property for older versions
Name Name  
DatabaseSchema Owner Schema  
Name Owner  
DerivedType Domain, User Datatype, Attribute Datatype  
DataType Datatype  
Description Definition  
InitialValue Default, Declared Default  
Length Width  
LowerBound Reference Value Minimum  
Name Domain Name, UserDatatype Name  
Scale Scale  
UpperBound Reference Value Maximum  
ForeignKey ForeignKey  
Name Name  
PhysicalName Constraint name  
Generalization Supertype/Subtype Cluster  
GeneralizationRole Supertype/Subtype Relationship  
Identity Sequence, Identity properties  
Cycle Cycle  
IncrementValue Increment By  
MaximumValue Max Value  
MinimumValue Min Value  
StartValue Start Value  
Index Key/Index, ForeignKey  
Name Name  
Unique Unique  
IndexMember IndexColumn  
Position Sequence  
SortOrder Sort Ordering  
Note Note  
Value note text  
Projection Element Display Graphical information
BackgroundColor background color  
Bold bold  
FontColor Font text color  
FontName Font  
FontSize Font size  
Height height  
Italic italic  
LineColor outline color  
Strike strikeout  
Underline underline  
Width width  
X x  
Y y  
PropertyType Attachment  
DataType Data type  
Description Description  
Group Attachment Type Name  
InitialValue Value  
Name Name  
PropertyValue Attachment Binding  
Value Value override  
RelationshipProjection Relationship Display  
LineColor relationship color  
SQLViewAssociation View Relationship  
AliasName View Table Alias  
SQLTableSequence Sequence  
SQLViewAttribute View Column  
Expression Column Expression  
Name Name  
Position Sequence  
SQLViewEntity View  
Description Definition  
HavingClause Having  
Name Name  
ViewStatement DDL  
WhereClause Where  
Sequence Sequence  
DataType Datatype  
Length Datatype  
Name name  
NativeDataType Datatype  
Scale Datatype  
Shape Shape  
BackgroundColor Shape Background  
Bold Font Style  
FontColor Text Color  
FontName Font Font typeface name
FontSize Text Font Size  
Height   Height of the shape
Italic Text Font Style  
LineColor Shape Outline  
LinePoints   Vertex coordinates for pentagon, hexagon and octagon, or endpoints for straight line
Name Shape Name  
ShapeType Shape Type Type of the shape according to the Drawing Shapes toolbar
Strike Text Font Strikeout  
Underline Ttext Font Underline  
Width   Width of the shape
X   X coordinate of the shape center
Y   Y coordinate of the shape center
Z   Z order of the shape
StoreModel Diagram  
Description Definition  
Name Name  
SystemType Database Platform  
SystemTypeOld Database Platform  
StoredProcedure Procedure  
Description description  
Name name  
Semantics SQL  
Synonym Synonym  
Description Description  
Name Name  
Trigger Trigger  
Description Description  
Name Name  
Semantics SQL  
TypeValue Reference Value  
Description Value Description  
Name Value Description  
Position Sequence  
Value Value  

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