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Searching a Job in the repository

About this task

If you want to open a specific Job in the Repository tree view of the current Integration perspective of Talend Studio and you can not find it for one reason or another, you can simply click on the quick access toolbar.

To find a Job in the Repository tree view, complete the following:


  1. On Talend Studio toolbar, click to open the Find a Job dialog box that lists automatically all the Jobs you created in the current Studio.
  2. Enter the Job name or part of the Job name in the upper field.
    When you start typing your text in the field, the Job list is updated automatically to display only the Job(s) which name(s) match(es) the letters you typed in.
  3. Select the desired Job from the list and click Link Repository to automatically browse to the selected Job in the Repository tree view.
  4. If needed, click Cancel to close the dialog box and then right-click the selected Job in the Repository tree view to perform any of the available operations in the contextual menu.
    Otherwise, click OK to close the dialog box and open the selected Job on the design workspace.

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