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Recuperating valid and invalid rows in a table analysis

You can generate a ready-to-use Job on the results of a table analysis in which a business rule with a WHERE clause has been added as an indicator. This Job recuperates the valid or invalid rows and writes them in output files or databases.

Before you begin

A table analysis with an SQL business rule has been created and executed. For more information, see Creating a table analysis with a simple SQL business rule.


  1. Execute the table analysis.
  2. In the Analysis Results view, click Business Rule Indicator under the name of the analyzed column.

    The generated graphic for the business rule is displayed accompanied with a table that details the matching results.

  3. Right-click the rule line in the result table and select Generate Job.

    The Job Selector dialog box is displayed.

  4. Select:
    Option To...
    generate an ELT job to get only valid rows generate a Job that uses the Extract Load Transform process to write the valid rows of the analyzed table in an output file
    generate an ELT job to get only invalid rows generate a Job that uses the Extract Load Transform process to write the invalid rows of the analyzed table in an output file
    In this example, select the generate an ETL job to get only invalid rows option. The generated Job will output all the invalid rows in the table. The invalid rows are those that do not match the business rule used in the analysis (customers younger than 18).
  5. In the dialog box, click Finish.
    The Integration perspective opens on the generated Job.

    The properties of the first component in the Job are predefined according to the database connection used by the table analysis.

  6. Optional: Use a different output component and define its properties to recuperate the invalid rows in different type of file or in a database.
  7. Save your Job and press F6 to execute it.


All rows of customers who are younger than 18 are written in the defined output file.

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