In the Data Filter view, enter an SQL WHERE
clause to filter the data on which to run the analysis, if required.
In the Analysis Parameter view and in the
Number of connections per analysis field, set the
number of concurrent connections allowed per analysis to the selected database, if
You can set this number according to the database available resources, that is the
number of concurrent connections each database can support.
If you have defined context variables in the Contexts
view in the analysis editor, complete the following steps:
Use the Data Filter and Analysis
Parameter views to set/select context variables to
filter data and to decide the number of concurrent connections per
analysis respectively.
In the Context Group Settings view, select from
the list the context environment you want to use to run the
The Analysis Results view opens showing the analysis results.
In this example, 72.73% of the data present in the columns in the account table
could be matched with the same data in the columns in the account_back
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