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Installing AD FS 4.0


  1. Install AD FS 4.0 through procedure Installing AD FS 3.0.
    For AD FS 4.0, you need to enable the AD FS properties EnableIdPInitiatedSignonPage and EnableRelayStateForIdpInitiatedSignOn by running the following commands in PowerShell:
    Set-AdfsProperties -EnableIdPInitiatedSignonPage:$true
    Set-AdfsProperties -EnableRelayStateForIdpInitiatedSignOn:$true
  2. Configure AD FS.
    1. Select the SSL Certificate and fill in the Display Name, then click Next.
    2. Click Next to finish the procedure.
  3. Configure Apache Tomcat web server with AD FS certificate export:
    1. Go to TOMCAT_HOME\conf and open server.xml file.
    2. Remove the comment on the line containing SSLEnabled="true".

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