Configuring a Syslog appender
You may want to send logs directly to a syslog, a syslog-ng or a rsyslog system.
Open the
file and add the following lines:
log4j2.appender.syslog.type = Syslog = SyslogAppender log4j2.appender.syslog.format = RFC5424 = localhost log4j2.appender.syslog.port = 514 log4j2.appender.syslog.protocol = TCP log4j2.appender.syslog.appName = RE log4j2.appender.syslog.includeMDC = true log4j2.appender.syslog.facility = LOCAL0 log4j2.appender.syslog.layout.type = JsonTemplateLayout log4j2.appender.syslog.layout.eventTemplateUri=${karaf.base.uri}/etc/jsonLogMinTemplate.json log4j2.appender.syslog.layout.stackTraceElementTemplateUri=${karaf.base.uri}/etc/StackTraceElementLayout.json log4j2.rootLogger.appenderRef.SyslogAppender.ref = SyslogAppender
- Save the file.
Add the Mapped Diagnostic Context (MDC) information to the JSON template file
so that the output logs, where applicable, contain the MDC information. This MDC
information includes the run ID of a Talend Management Console task.
In <RemoteEngineInstallationDirectory>/etc,
create a configuration file and name it as
In this file, you configure the format of the output logs.
Add the following lines to this new file to create a MDC
{ "logMessage": { "$resolver": "message", "stringified": true }, "my_mdc": { "$resolver": "mdc" }, "logTimestamp": { "$resolver": "timestamp", "epoch": { "unit": "millis", "rounded": true } }, "severity": { "$resolver": "level", "field": "name" }, "ticLogLevel": { "$resolver": "source", "field": "ticLogLevel" } }
The example defines a JSON object to specify the fields to include in the MDC output. The object uses key-value pairs, where the keys represent the output fields and the values specify the resolvers to populate those fields.
The "my_mdc": { "$resolver": "mdc" } line creates a field called my_mdc in the output. The mdc resolver populates this field with all MDC fields, which provide additional diagnostic information associated with the logs. A my_mdc field can look like this:To retrieve specific MDC fields such as flowID (representing a task ID) and flowExecutionId (representing a task run ID), replace the "my_mdc": { "$resolver": "mdc" } line with:{ "accountID":"31e47fe5-abcd-4a80-a8b2-590123456789", "":"289", "":"org.talend.ipaas.engine.deployment-agent", "bundle.version":"2.13.7", "executionDestination":"REMOTE_ENGINE", "flowExecutionId":"ed31c1a8-abcd-4121-98bd-cd0123456789", "flowID":"61fbfc899e86410123456789", "flowVersion":"45.28", "remoteEngineId":"c62cd9a1-abcd-4580-8af1-220123456789", "userId":"", "workspaceId":"5ef6605b2632fd1234567890" }
The field names taskId and executionId are just examples. You can use any meaningful names to receive the MDC fields you want to include in the output."taskId": {"$resolver": "mdc", "key": "flowID"}, "executionId": {"$resolver": "mdc", "key": "flowExecutionId"},
In <RemoteEngineInstallationDirectory>/etc,
create a configuration file and name it as
- Configure your Syslog system to use this new jsonLogMinTemplateCustom.json template instead of the default template file jsonLogMinTemplate.json.
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