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New features

Application integration

Feature Description
cAWSConnection: Support for context parameters in AWS region configuration You can now use context parameters to specify AWS region in the cAWSConnection component.
New cAWSKinesis component in Routes The cAWSKinesis component is now available in Routes to consume messages from and produce messages to Amazon Kinesis Service.
Basic settings view of cAWSKinesis.

Big Data

Feature Description
New MapRDB components for HPE Data Fabric 7.7 in Spark Batch Jobs The following MapRDB components are now available in Spark Batch Jobs when you use HPE Data Fabric 7.7 cluster with Spark Universal 3.3.x in Spark-submit scripts mode:
  • tMapRDBInput
  • tMapRDBOutput

With this feature, Talend Studio also supports the Kerberos and MapR Ticket authentications.

You can configure it either in the Spark Configuration view of your Spark Batch Jobs or in the Hadoop Cluster Connection metadata wizard.
Spark Configuration view of a Spark Batch Job highlighting the new Authentication and MapR Ticket authentication parameters.
Support for Shared Access Signature authentication in Spark Jobs using HDInsight 5.0 and 5.1 Talend Studio now supports the Shared Access Signature (SAS) authentication in your Spark Batch and Spark Streaming Jobs using HDInsight 5.0 and 5.1. This authentication is available with Azure Blob Storage, and ADLS Gen2.

You can configure it either in the Spark Configuration view of your Spark Jobs or in the Hadoop Cluster Connection metadata wizard.

Spark Configuration view of a Spark Batch Job with the new Shared Access Signature authentication mode.
Support for Hive 3 in the metadata wizard You can now configure your connection to Hive 3 in the Db Connections metadata wizard.

With this feature, the property name changes from Hive server to Hive version.

Database Connection dialog box with Hive settings.

Continuous Integration

Feature Description
Talend CI Builder upgraded to version 8.0.20 Talend CI Builder is upgraded from version 8.0.19 to version 8.0.20.

Use Talend CI Builder 8.0.20 in your CI commands or pipeline scripts from this monthly version onwards until a new version of Talend CI Builder is released.

Data Integration

Feature Description
The tDataprepRun component for cloud deployment is GA You can select Cloud in the new Deployment field of the tDataprepRun component to benefit from dedicated configuration options if you need to use preparations from Talend Cloud Data Preparation in your Jobs.

The cloud deployment makes your preparations run on the same engine as the Job so that your data does not leave your infrastructure.

The authentication parameters now make use of Personal Authentication Tokens, and retrieving dependencies of the preparation such as lookup datasets and semantic types has also been simplified. Additionally, the component now supports other data types instead of just string.

Overview of the tdatapreprun settings when using the cloud deployment
New tQlikOutput component to upload files to Qlik Cloud in Standard Jobs The new tQlikOutput component is now available in Standard Jobs, and allows you to create, update, or delete data files in Qlik Cloud.
New tChunking component in Standard Jobs (Beta) The new tChunking component is now available in Standard Jobs, and allows you to break down large texts into smaller, and more manageable chunks.
Support for Oracle components as vector databases with Database 23ai in Standard Jobs With the addition of version 23ai, Oracle components now support vector capabilities.
Support for chunked uploads for tHTTPClient in Standard Jobs The new Binary option has been added to the Body type parameter to allow users to upload large data files in chunks.
Support for Delta format for tAzureADLSGen2Output in Standard Jobs The Delta format is now supported in the tAzureADLSGen2Output component, allowing you to write data to a Delta table.
tAzureAdlsGen2Output Basic settings view with the new Delta format.
Support for partitioning for tAzureADLSGen2Output in Standard Jobs The new Partition columns option is now available in the tAzureADLSGen2Output component to allow users to group similar data based on specific columns.
tAzureAdlsGen2Output Advanced settings view with the new Partition columns parameter.

Data Mapper

Information noteImportant: Talend Data Mapper runtime is updated from java.joda to java.time.
Feature Description
Ability to display element properties in DSQL maps A new Properties view is now available for your DSQL maps. In this tab, you can view all the properties related to a selected element in the map.
You can find the Properties view either by:
  • clicking Window > Show view > General > Properties
  • right-clicking an element in the map, and then clicking Properties
New Properties view in DSQL maps.

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