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Migrating MDM instances

You can migrate MDM instances from an old version to a new version of Talend MDM, which includes both MDM instances stored in databases and MDM repository objects in Talend Studio.

Information noteNote: Migrating from the cluster mode to the standalone mode is not supported.
It is assumed that:
  • you fully understand how to install and configure an MDM server or a cluster of MDM servers;

  • all existing MDM databases have been backed up and can be restored if required.

MDM system objects, master data records and staging data records (if any) are stored in databases. Besides, some MDM objects in Talend Studio such as data models and views deployed to the MDM server also persist in databases.

You can migrate those MDM instances in databases using the dbmigration tool.

However, since not everything persists or is stored in a database, you need to manually reimport and redeploy the Jobs and workflows for the migration.

A workspace of an older version of Talend Studio cannot be reused. From Talend Studio, you need to manually move the repository objects from the source Talend Studio to the target Talend Studio. See Manually moving repository objects in Talend Studio for details.

From 7.0 onwards, MDM users are created in Talend Administration Center.

Before the migration, pay attention to the following:

  • If you want to migrate to an MDM server in a cluster, make sure the cluster is configured properly and all nodes in the cluster are running during the migration. Only a single node in a cluster is used as the source server or the target server.

  • Make sure all changes to the source MDM server and the target MDM server are frozen during the migration. That is, no insert, update, or delete operations will take place during the migration.

  • Make sure the machine hosting the target server has a significant amount of free memory to run the dbmigration tool.

  • Make sure to delete your web browser cache and cookies whenever you change the version, or the Talend Studio. Unpredictable behavior or display errors will occur if you do not.

  • If you want to migrate from 5.6.1 or 5.6.2 to 6.0.1 or later, you have to install a patch. To obtain this patch, contact Talend support.

Talend MDM data models only support certain types, as shown in the following table. When you migrate a project containing unsupported types, errors will occur.

Supported types Unsupported types
xsd:anyURI xsd:ENTITIES
xsd:base64Binary xsd:gDay
xsd:boolean xsd:gMonth
xsd:byte xsd:gMonthDay
xsd:date xsd:gYear
xsd:dateTime xsd:gYearMonth
xsd:decimal xsd:ID
xsd:double xsd:IDREF
xsd:duration xsd:IDREFS
xsd:float xsd:language
xsd:hexBinary xsd:Name
xsd:int xsd:NMTOKEN
xsd:integer xsd:normalizedString
xsd:language xsd:QName
xsd:long xsd:token
xsd:negativeInteger -
xsd:nonNegativeInteger -
xsd:nonPositiveInteger -
xsd:normalizedString -
xsd:positiveInteger -
xsd:short -
xsd:string -
xsd:time -
xsd:token -
xsd:unsignedByte -
xsd:unsignedInt -
xsd:unsignedLong -
xsd:unsignedShort -

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