Deploying and executing
- Software Updates available for download.
- Routes and Services that are published from Talend Studio and are ready to be deployed and executed in Talend Runtime.
- One or more Talend Runtimes (execution container) deployed inside your information system. The
Talend Runtime deploys and executes the technical processes according to the set up defined
in the Talend Administration Center Web application. Those processes are Routes and Services retrieved from the
artifact repository. Apache Subversion is
deprecated from 7.3.1 R2021-08 release onwards
If you have several Talend Runtime on which to deploy the Service and Route artifacts, you will be able to load balance their execution according to your needs. All instances of Talend Runtime will communicate between each other via the Service Locator to identify the one more likely to deploy and execute the artifact(s) set to deployment in Talend Administration Center. The Talend Runtime elected for the deployment will request for the artifact(s) to deploy and execute from the artifact repository and the artifact repository will thus send the artifact(s) requested along with all the dependencies needed for its/their execution to the Talend Runtime, that will deploy and execute it/them.