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Configure the Nagios plugin to monitor the sample applications

About this task

In Talend ESB installations, the configuration files are in <TalendRuntimePath>/add-ons/adapters/nagios.


  1. Create a local directory for the configuration files if it does not exist, for example: /usr/local/nagios/etc/objects/ or /etc/nagios3/etc/objects/, depending on where your installation expects them.
  2. Define jolokia_host (the host where the examples are running) in /etc/hosts - this name is used in subsequent files, rather than hard-coding in the ip address. For example, add the line (depending on the IP address): jolokia_host
  3. Copy the template and sample configuration files into Nagios etc/objects subdirectory. Not all of these are needed for this example, but we will only reference the ones we need in the configuration files. For example:
    cp -f <TalendRuntimePath>/add-ons/adapters/nagios/template/*.cfg
    cp -f <TalendRuntimePath>/add-ons/adapters/nagios/sample/*.cfg
    This target directory may be elsewhere in your installation, for example: /etc/nagios3/etc/objects/.
  4. Add the template configuration file to the existing nagios.cfg, here are some examples, which depend on where your installation puts config files:
    • In /usr/local/nagios/etc/nagios.cfg add:
    • Or in /etc/nagios3/nagios.cfg add:
  5. Define macros which will be used by jmx_commands.cfg in resource.cfg, here are some examples, which depend on where your installation puts config files:
    • In /usr/local/nagios/etc/resource.cfg add these lines:
      # set the path which jmx4perl plugin installed
      # set the path to where to find configuration files
    • Or in /etc/nagios3/resource.cfg add these lines:
      # set the path which jmx4perl plugin installed
      # set the path to where to find configuration files
  6. Then, restart Nagios for the changes to take effect.
    # service nagios restart
    Information noteNote: The name of this service may vary, depending on which package you used to install Nagios, so it may be called, for example, nagios3, instead of nagios.

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