Define a campaign to allow data stewards to label a sample of suspect records in
the context of matching very high volume of data using machine learning on
Select Campaigns > Add campaign.
Enter a name and a description for the new campaign.
Select Grouping as the campaign type.
In the Question field, enter the question to use in the
campaign, for example: Do the records match?
Use to add one more choice, and enter the answers in the
Answers fields as shown in the above capture.
Toggle the Enable task resolution delay
option and set the delay to be used to calculate the due dates.
The due date is calculated by adding the delay you set to
the date and time of loading the tasks in the campaign. If you leave this option
disabled, the Due date column in the task list stays empty
and tasks do not have resolution delay.
The due date in a Grouping campaign is the most recent
date of all the records.
Click the Campaign owners field and select from the list one
or more users to grant them access on the current campaign.
This list shows all the users defined in Talend Management Console and with the role of campaign owner.
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