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Creating a metadata definition from a database

In Talend Studio, you can fetch a metadata definition from a database, making the best use of your existing resources.

Before you begin

This tutorial makes use of a database. If you do not have a database, download and extract the following file: You must import the database into a compatible program.


  1. In the Repository, expand Metadata then right-click Db Connections and click Create connection.
    You are brought to Step 1 in the wizard.
  2. In the Name field, enter a name.


  3. Optional: In the Purpose field, enter a purpose.


    Demonstrate how to fetch metadata from a database
  4. Optional: In the Description field, enter a description.


    Fetching CSV data imported into a MySQL database
    Information noteTip: Enter a Purpose and Description to stay organized.
  5. Click Next.
    You are brought to Step 2 in the wizard.
  6. Enter your connection details.
    Information noteTip: To check the connection to the database, click Test connection.
  7. Click Finish.
    You are brought to the Designer.
  8. Right-click your metadata in the Repository.
    1. Click Retrieve Schema.
      You are brought to the Filter for the Table window.
    2. Click Next.
      You are brought to the Add a Schema on repository window.
    3. Select the check box next to the table name.
    4. Click Next.
      The database schema displays.
    5. Optional: Change the Schema parameters.
    6. Click Finish.


All table schemas have been imported as metadata and can be reused in your components.

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