Commonly used Camel components
The following table lists the most commonly used Camel components that can be called by cMessagingEndpoint. Click the links in the table to go to the Apache Camel's Website for the latest information of the these components. Make sure to use the information applicable for the Camel Version included in Talend ESB.
Component / ArtifactId / URI |
Description |
AHC (camel-ahc) ahc:httpUri |
To call external HTTP services using Async Http Client. |
AHC Websocket (camel-ahc-ws) ahc-ws:httpUri |
To exchange data with external Websocket servers using Async Http Client. |
APNS (camel-apns) apns:name |
For sending notifications to Apple iOS devices. |
Avro (camel-avro) avro:transport:host:port/messageName |
Working with Apache Avro for data serialization. |
Atom (camel-atom) atom:feedUri |
For consuming Atom RSS feeds. |
Atmosphere Websocket (camel-atmosphere-websocket) atmosphere-websocket:servicePath |
To exchange data with external Websocket clients using Atmosphere. |
Braintree (camel-braintree) braintree:apiName/methodName |
For integrating with the Braintree Payment System. |
Camel Context (camel-context) context:contextId:localEndpointUrl |
To send/receive messages between Camel routes in a black box way. This component is deprecated since the 6.5 General Availability release. |
CoAP (camel-coap) coap:uri |
For sending and receiving messages from COAP capable devices. |
CouchDB (camel-couchdb) couchdb:protocol:hostname:port/database |
To integrate with CouchDB databases. |
Crypto (JCE) (camel-crypto) crypto:cryptoOperation:name |
For signing and verifying exchanges using the Signature Service of the Java Cryptographic Extension (JCE). |
CXF (camel-cxf) cxf:beanId:address |
Works for SOAP WebServices using Apache CXF. |
Disruptor (camel-disruptor) disruptor:name |
To provide asynchronous SEDA behavior using LMAX Disruptor. |
EHCache (camel-cache) cache:cacheName |
To perform caching operations using EHCache as the Cache Implementation. This component is deprecated. |
Elasticsearch (camel-elasticsearch) elasticsearch:clusterName |
For interfacing with ElasticSearch server. |
ElSQL (camel-elsql) elsql:elsqlName:resourceUri |
The ElSQL component is an extension to the existing SQL Component that uses ElSql to define the SQL queries. |
etcd (camel-etcd) etcd:namespace/path |
To work with Etcd, a distributed reliable key-value store. |
Exec (camel-exec) exec:executable |
To execute OS system commands. |
Flatpack (camel-flatpack) flatpack:type:resourceUri |
The flatpack component supports fixed width and delimited file parsing via the FlatPack library. |
FOP (camel-fop) fop:outputType |
To render a message into different output formats using Apache FOP. |
Freemarker (camel-freemarker) freemarker:resourceUri |
Transforms the message using a FreeMarker template. |
FTP (camel-ftp) ftp:host:port/directoryName |
For uploading or downloading files from FTP servers. |
Geocoder (camel-geocoder) geocoder:address:latlng |
For looking up geocodes (latitude and longitude) for a given address or reverse lookup. |
Git (camel-git) git:localPath |
For working with git repositories. |
Guava EventBus (camel-guava-eventbus) guava-eventbus:eventBusRef |
Provides integration bridge between Camel and Google Guava EventBus. |
Grape (camel-grape) grape:defaultCoordinates |
To fetch, load and manage additional jars when CamelContext is running. |
HDFS2 (camel-hdfs2) hdfs2:hostName:port/path |
For reading/writing from/to an HDFS file system using Hadoop 2.x. |
HTTP4 (camel-http4) http4:httpUri |
For calling out to external HTTP servers using Apache HTTP Client 4.x. |
Ignite Cache (camel-ignite) ignite-cache:cacheName |
The Ignite Cache endpoint is one of camel-ignite endpoints which allows you to interact with an Ignite Cache. |
Infinispan (camel-infinispan) infinispan:cacheName |
For reading/writing from/to Infinispan distributed key/value store and data grid. |
IronMQ (camel-ironmq) ironmq:queueName |
The ironmq provides integration with IronMQ an elastic and durable hosted message queue as a service. |
JCache (camel-jcache) jcache:cacheName |
To perform caching operations using JSR107/JCache as cache implementation. |
JCR (camel-jcr) jcr:host/base |
To add/read nodes to/from a JCR compliant content repository. |
JDBC (camel-jdbc) jdbc:dataSourceName |
To access databases through JDBC where SQL queries are sent in the message body. |
Jetty 9 (camel-jetty9) jetty:httpUri |
Provides HTTP-based endpoints for consuming and producing HTTP requests. |
JGroups (camel-jgroups) jgroups:clusterName |
Provides exchange of messages between Camel and JGroups clusters. |
JMS (camel-jms) jms:destinationType:destinationName |
Allows messages to be sent to, or consumed from a JMS Queue or Topic. |
JMX (camel-jmx) jmx:serverURL |
To receive JMX notifications. |
JOLT (camel-jolt) jolt:resourceUri |
To process JSON messages using an JOLT specification (such as JSON-JSON transformation). |
JPA (camel-jpa) jpa:entityType |
To store and retrieve Java objects from databases using JPA. |
Jsch (camel-jsch) scp:host:port/directoryName |
To copy files using the secure copy protocol (SCP). |
Kafka (camel-kafka) kafka:topic |
Allows messages to be sent to, or consumed from Apache Kafka brokers. |
Krati (camel-krati) krati:path |
Allows the use of krati datastores and datasets inside Camel. |
Kubernetes (camel-kubernetes) kubernetes:masterUrl |
To work with Kubernetes PaaS. |
Lucene (camel-lucene) lucene:host:operation |
To insert or query from Apache Lucene databases. |
Mail (camel-mail) imap:host:port |
To send or receive emails using imap/pop3 or smtp protocols. |
Mina2 (camel-mina2) mina2:protocol:host:port |
Socket level networking using TCP or UDP with the Apache Mina 2.x library. |
MLLP (camel-mllp) mllp:hostname:port |
Provides functionality required by Healthcare providers to communicate with other systems using the MLLP protocol. |
Mock (camel-core) mock:name |
For testing routes and mediation rules using mocks. |
MongoDB (camel-mongodb) mongodb:connectionBean |
For working with documents stored in MongoDB database. |
MongoDB GridFS (camel-mongodb-gridfs) mongodb-gridfs:connectionBean |
For working with MongoDB GridFS. |
MQTT (camel-mqtt) mqtt:name |
For communicating with MQTT M2M message brokers using FuseSource MQTT Client. |
Mustache (camel-mustache) mustache:resourceUri |
Transforms the message using a Mustache template. |
MyBatis (camel-mybatis) mybatis:statement |
Performs a query, poll, insert, update or delete in a relational database using MyBatis. |
Nats (camel-nats) nats:servers |
Produces and consumes messages from NATS. |
Netty (camel-netty) netty:protocol:host:port |
Socket level networking using TCP or UDP with the Netty 3.x library. This component is deprecated. |
OpenShift (camel-openshift) openshift:clientId |
To Manage your Openshift 2.x applications. This component is deprecated. |
OptaPlanner (camel-optaplanner) optaplanner:configFile |
Solves the planning problem contained in a message with OptaPlanner. |
Paho (camel-paho) paho:topic |
For communicating with MQTT M2M message brokers using Eclipse Paho MQTT Client. |
PDF (camel-pdf) pdf:operation |
Provides the ability to create, modify or extract content from PDF documents. |
Quartz (camel-quartz) quartz:groupName/timerName |
Provides a scheduled delivery of messages using the Quartz 1.x scheduler. This component is deprecated. |
Quartz2 (camel-quartz2) quartz2:groupName/triggerName |
Provides a scheduled delivery of messages using the Quartz 2.x scheduler. |
RMI (camel-rmi) rmi:hostname:port/name |
For invoking Java RMI beans from Camel. |
RSS (camel-rss) rss:feedUri |
For consuming RSS feeds. |
Salesforce (camel-salesforce) salesforce:operationName:topicName |
For integrating Camel with the massive Salesforce API. |
SAP NetWeaver (camel-sap-netweaver) sap-netweaver:url |
To integrate with the SAP NetWeaver Gateway using HTTP transports. |
Servlet (camel-servlet) servlet:contextPath |
To use a HTTP Servlet as entry for Camel routes when running in a servlet container. |
Simple JMS (camel-sjms) sjms:destinationType:destinationName |
Allows messages to be sent to, or consumed from a JMS Queue or Topic (uses JMS 1.x API). |
Slack (camel-slack) slack:channel |
To send messages to Slack. |
SMPP (camel-smpp) smpp:host:port |
To send and receive SMS using a SMSC (Short Message Service Center). |
SNMP (camel-snmp) snmp:host:port |
To poll SNMP capable devices or receiving traps. |
Splunk (camel-splunk) splunk:name |
To publish or search for events in Splunk. |
Spring Batch (camel-spring-batch) spring-batch:jobName |
To send messages to Spring Batch for further processing. |
Spring LDAP (camel-spring-ldap) spring-ldap:templateName |
To perform searches in LDAP servers using filters as the message payload. |
Spring Redis (camel-spring-redis) spring-redis:host:port |
To send and receive messages from Redis. |
Spring WebService (camel-spring-ws) spring-ws:type:lookupKey:webServiceEndpointUri |
Works for SOAP WebServices using Spring WebServices. |
SQL (camel-sql) sql:query |
To work with databases using JDBC SQL queries. |
SSH (camel-ssh) ssh:host:port |
The ssh component enables access to SSH servers so that you can send an SSH command and process the response. |
StAX (camel-stax) stax:contentHandlerClass |
Allows messages to be process through a SAX ContentHandler. |
Stomp (camel-stomp) stomp:destination |
For communicating with Stomp compliant message brokers. |
Twitter (camel-twitter) twitter:kind |
Integrates with Twitter to send tweets or search for tweets and more. |
Undertow (camel-undertow) undertow:httpURI |
Provides HTTP-based endpoints for consuming and producing HTTP requests. |
Velocity (camel-velocity) velocity:resourceUri |
Transforms the message using a Velocity template. |
Vertx (camel-vertx) vertx:address |
For sending and receive messages from a vertx event bus. |
Weather (camel-weather) weather:name |
Polls the weather information from Open Weather Map. |
Yammer (camel-yammer) yammer:function |
To interact with the Yammer enterprise social network. |
ZooKeeper (camel-zookeeper) zookeeper:serverUrls/path |
Allows interaction with a ZooKeeper cluster. |