API design
Going from requirements to an API
Like most technologies, an API is a solution to a problem. In order to design the right API, you need to make sure the problem you are addressing is clearly defined by answering the following questions:
- Who are the target consumers of this API?
- What kind of information will consumers manipulate via the API?
- What actions will consumers perform on the API?
For example, if you are a food delivery company, you might want to build an API for your partner network that will enable them to browse and search through a database of restaurants for which you provide a delivery service.
In this example, your API is targeting partners of your company. They'll need to manipulate data about restaurants, and perform search queries on the data, with certain filtering and sorting capabilities.
Another example: if you are a calendar SaaS company, you might want to build an API so that other front-end developers in the world can create new mobile and web applications based on your calendar system.
Thinking about the consumers of your API is the first step towards providing them with a good developer experience. This will help your API stand out and increase engagement levels.
The elements that make up an API
There are four key concepts used when designing an API:
- A Resource is an element your consumers will interact with through your API. Resources are uniquely identified by a path, which combined with the API's endpoint provides a unique address for a resource on the web. For example, Calendars is the name of a resource that corresponds to a list of calendars, and its path is /calendars.
- An Operation is the action that can be performed on your resources. The most common operations are GET (read), POST (create), PUT (update) and DELETE. For example, List all Calendars is the name of an operation that uses the GET method on the Calendars resource.
- A Data type is a description of the actual data that is exchanged over the network. For example, Calendar is the name of a data type which will describe all the properties of a Calendar, such as its name, owner, and a reference to the events that belong to it. The List all Calendars operation returns a list of Calendar data types.
- A Component is a an element which can be reused throughout the API definition. For example, if you need to use the same query parameter in several operations, you can create it as a component and refer to it in as many operations as needed.
There are other useful elements that make up an API:
- An Endpoint is the main entry point for your API on the web. An endpoint is composed of a scheme such as HTTPS, and a host such as www.calendar-api.com.
- A Text block can be used to freely enter any text (including markdown) which can be placed anywhere in your API design. Use text blocks to explain transversal topics like authentication and error handling.
- A Section is used to meaningfully group together resources and data types. Use these to make your API design clearer and more developer friendly. You can drag and drop elements into sections in the left panel, and you can also reorder sections among each other.
In Talend Cloud API Designer, you'll be able to create these elements from the + menu in the left panel.

Endpoints are created in the general information screen, which you can access by clicking on the name of your API at the top of the left panel. An endpoint can be Published or Not published. If it is published, it appears in the Live Documentation and in the API Portal.