Business rule tools
You can use the Drools web application integrated in Talend Administration Center to define business rules using any of the following formats:
- Business Process: a workflow which describes the order in which a series of steps need to be executed, using a flow chart. It allows users to specify, execute and monitor their business logic using these processes.
- DSL Business Rule: technical rules that use the Domain Specific Language in a sentence that maps to a condition or action statement to be used in a rule. Variables can be defined in the sentence, and then used in the rule statement. For more information, see Authoring Assets.
- DRL Rule: technical rules that use the Drools Rule Language which provides, via mapping properties file, support for natural language. For more information, see Authoring Assets.
- Decision Table: another way of creating and modifying rules on the run via the
Decision Table view.
Decision tables are a tool that defines rules that are represented as tables. Non-technical users can see the steps of a decision laid out graphically.
- Decision Table (spreadsheet): Users may also author Decision Tables using Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.
- Guided Rule: rules created using the traditional rule syntax (statements). For more information, see Creating business rules.