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Label block

The label block marks a place in the automation. They are equivalent to a go to statement. They are used in combination with go to label blocks.

label block

A label block is commonly used in the following situations:

  • When your automation contains sections that should be processed non-sequentially.
  • When your automation is large and you want to organize your canvas into sections.
  • When your automation has go to label blocks.

When an automation jumps to a label, the automation flow continues from that point in the automation. It does not return to the previous location. To create a function-like behavior in your automation, use the call automation block.

Configuring a label block

Configure the block to have a named label.


The label block requires a name, which can be either a string or an integer.

Label block input field

label block with a name

Czy ta strona była pomocna?

Jeżeli natkniesz się na problemy z tą stroną lub jej zawartością — literówkę, brakujący krok lub błąd techniczny — daj nam znać, co możemy poprawić!