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Text definition placeholders for native PixelPerfect charts

As you configure a native PixelPerfect chart, specific placeholders can be added to values for text properties, such as for legends and labels.

Text definition placeholders
Placeholder value Output value Further considerations
{S} Series name -
{A} Argument value for a series -
{V} Point values for the series Relevant for Pie and Donut chart series.

Common uses

For PixelPerfect charts created with user-defined series, here are some examples of where these placeholders might be needed in the Chart Designer:

  • Properties > Legend Text Pattern

  • PropertiesLabelText Pattern

For PixelPerfect charts created with series templates, here are some examples of where these placeholders might be needed in the Chart Designer:

  • Properties > Series Template > Legend Text Pattern

  • Properties > Series Template > LabelText Pattern

Czy ta strona była pomocna?

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