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Using a level to loop over app data

You can loop and repeat the creation of report elements using data from the Qlik Sense app.

For an overview of levels, see Working with levels.

video thumbnail

High-level workflow

This is the recommended workflow for using levels in your PixelPerfect report. It covers some of the most common and simple ways to work with levels in the designer.

Part 1: Add data bindings

First, you need to add the data binding that will be used to cycle the generation of unique report elements. For example, if you want a separate section in the report for each region, you need to add a Region field as a data binding. Data bindings are added in the Database icon with plus symbol Field List menu.

This workflow assumes you already have content, in the applicable areas in the template, for which you want to create a level.

  1. Open the Database icon with plus symbol Field List menu available from the right-side panel in the designer.

  2. Click the plus icon next to Levels.

  3. Expand the sections to find the item you want to use. You can select a field from Fields, or an entire chart from any of the sheet sections.

  4. Click the Plus icon next to an item to add it as a data binding.

Part 2: Connecting the data binding to the band

Next, you need to connect the level data binding to a band.

You cannot bind a level to the default Detail1 band, so you will need to create a new DetailReport band for content where you plan on using a level.

  1. Create a new DetailReport band. See Creating a new band.

  2. Select the new band, if not already selected.

  3. Open the Gear Properties menu from the right side of the designer.

  4. Under Detail Report Tasks > Data Member, select the item to use as the level.

Example - Looping chart images over a dimension

Refer to the example app sources here: Przykładowe materiały — raportowanie w aplikacji. Upload the app and data files into a space, and then reload the app. You are ready to complete the example.

Part 1: Add data bindings

  1. Create a new PixelPerfect template.

  2. Open the Database icon with plus symbol Field List in the designer.

    Field List menu in the PixelPerfect designer

    The 'Field List' menu expanded from the right side panel in the PixelPerfect designer
  3. Click the plus icon next to Levels.

  4. Expand Fields, and click the Plus icon next to the Region chart.

    The data binding is added.

  5. You are brought back to the main Database icon with plus symbol Field List menu. Click the plus icon next to Images.

  6. Expand the Dashboard sheet, and click the Plus icon next to the Top 5 Customers chart.

    The data binding is added.

    Field List menu showing newly created level and image data bindings

    The 'Field List' menu showing the newly created data bindings added for use: a 'Region' level and a 'Top 5 Customers' image.

Part 2: Add band and content

  1. On the design surface, right-click the Detail1 band and select Insert BandDetailReport.

  2. Open the Database icon with plus symbol Field List menu, and double-click Levels to expand it.

  3. For Region, expand the level object and drag the Region field within it onto the DetailReport1 band.

    Position the label at the top of the band.

  4. In the Database icon with plus symbol Field List menu, expand Images and drag Top 5 Customers onto the DetailReport1 band. Place it below the Region label.

You can customize and style the content as desired.

Part 3: Bind the level to the band

  1. Click the DetailReport1 band.

  2. Open the Gear Properties menu from the right side of the designer.

  3. Under Detail Report Tasks > Data Member, select the Region field.

    Report template with content and DetailReport1 band bound to level

    Report template with Detail1 band selected, and its properties opened on the right side panel. The properties show that the data binding has been connected to the band under 'Data Member'
  4. In the top right corner, click Save template.

  5. Click Preview report. Download the report and open it.

Report preview

Generated report showing several sections, one for each region, with a chart under each region heading

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